send booklet about baptism, as I am not sure whether we have to be
baptised to be a true Christian. My wife and I are nearer to God
than we have ever been before, thanks to your broadcasts, and it
has changed our whole lives."
ISN'T IT WONDERFUL---reading about the CHANGED LIVES, all
around the world, that YOUR MONEY, God's tithes, our united prayers
and our sacrifice and hard work, has been used of God to produce?
And I have scores and scores more. I had intended to give
you several from the United States---listeners to the DAILY RADIO
BROADCASTS over WLS, WWVA, the super-power Mexican stations, and
our Pacific Coast stations. Changed lives! Converted lives,
brought to God thru CHRIST! Yes, hundreds and hundreds of them!
Our young ministers and advanced students have been out---FIVE
DIFFERENT TEAMS OF THEM---touring all over the United States this
summer, baptizing repentant sinners into CHRIST. God is giving us
a rich and abundant HARVEST. I have stacks of letters here telling
of MIRACULOUS HEALINGS of many sicknesses, diseases, and
infirmities. I just haven't the space to print them in this letter
---and if we are to get out the next 'Plain Truth,' and I'm to get
out the next TV programs and daily broadcasts I simply haven't time
to copy them, now.
When I look at this rich and bountiful HARVEST OF HUMAN
LIVES being brought into God's Kingdom for eternity, all is so
encouraging. But when I face the hard, cold facts that we are
running THOUSANDS of dollars behind---that I can't see any way,
naturally, that we can stay on TV, or even keep up the daily
broadcasting, because of lack of money, my heart sinks---and I have
only FAITH to hang on to---a faith sorely TRIED past the breaking
MANY of you dear Co-Workers are perhaps sacrificing more
than you ought. But TOO MANY OTHERS are shirking---NEGLECTING this
tremendous work---this LIFE-saving work for eternity---and probably
neglecting their own salvation, too! THE PITY OF IT!
CO-WORKERS, I simply can't carry this heavy, crushing load,
this terrible financial strain, and keep fit for my own work, any
PRAYER, and keep at it, that God will MOVE on those who have with-
held GOD'S TITHE and their own offerings they are able to send---
that God will STIR the few who are able to send in LARGE amounts of
a thousand dollars or several thousand---I have to tell you now, I
shall have to cancel out this TV schedule before I can write you
another letter. DON'T THINK THIS IS A WOLF-WOLF CRY! We are this
minute in BY FAR the most desperate situation this work has ever
been in!
Those hungry people in England are not getting their 'Plain
Truths', 1st because there has not been enough money to print them
every month, and, 2nd, because large boxes of thousands of copies,
all addressed to people in Britain, had to just lay over in our
office for THREE LONG WEEKS, because we didn't have money---or
couldn't spare it for that purpose---for POSTAGE! WHAT A SHAME!