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telecast, of Sunday night, July 31st.
OTHER SIDE CHALLENGED!---San Bernardino, Calif.: " Dear Mr.
Armstrong: Last night I heard your program for the first time, and
I was very much impressed. It is the first time I ever heard the
other side" (skeptics, infidels, scoffers) "challenged. It was
refreshing. Please send me your 'Plain Truth,' and a copy of 'The
U.S. in Prophecy'."
Sir---I listen to your TV talks on Sunday evening, and find them
most interesting. Our Bible prophecies have always been
interesting, and we cannot seem to learn enough. I am an ordained
... minister, and have confined my teaching in a small way to help
folks understand God's Word. I feel you can help me through your
magazine 'The Plain Truth,' as well as 'United States in Prophecy.'
Then I in turn can help hungry souls who come to me. I am
enclosing one dollar as a love token and wish it could be more.
May God bless and help you to reach many who need God.' (Our first
dollar received from new TV listeners---tho several have sent
postage change.)
INTEREST AROUSED---So. California: "Dear Sir: Will you
please send to the above address a copy of the 'U.S. in Prophecy'
and also the current issue of 'The Plain Truth.' We receive your
program over channel 5, and it has aroused our interest. Thank
I mustn't take time for more TV letters---but feel I simply
MUST give you a few radio letters from England and the U.S.
FROM VANCOUVER, B.C., CANADA: "Hello, Mr. Armstrong! I would
like to pass along to you the deeply-felt gratitude of myself, and
many more folks who don't write you. Your broadcasts ARE reaching
more people than you realize! You have been directly responsible
for me to begin reading my Bible. Your explanations of this Holy
Book have fascinated me as no other minister has been able to do
since my childhood! I am now 37 years of age. Since my 16th
birthday I have shunned even mentioning the word 'Bible'. As a
salesman, I have formed the habit of NOT believing everything I
read, see, or hear. So I follow your broadcasts with a paper and
pencil, and 'a grain of salt.' I agree with you, that people as
a whole (even here in Canada, where we are considered
'conservative,' when compared to the people of the United States)
are self-centered, greedy, can't see beyond the end of their noses,
etc., etc. Even the churches aren't exempt! Kindly accept the $5
money order enclosed with this letter. I am sorry I couldn't send
along $10, or even $50, but as I have just recovered from an
illness---which cost me my job---this is the best I can do! (quite
a bit, for someone who has only dropped one nickel or dime into the
collection-plate previously.) Would you mail me the following
booklets: -------. This may seem like a LOT of booklets, but Mr.
Armstrong, remember---I follow your sermons with pad and pencil,
and sometimes you just get 'carried away' with your enthusiasm,
that you mention 2 or 3 booklets to send in for, and I don't want
to miss ONE of them, if I can help it!" (All underscoring is his.)
CO-WORKERS---I don't believe you realize HOW MANY people, the world