ever, except for you Co-Workers. "But we do have GOD'S TRUTH," I
said. "and the same, original GOSPEL Christ preached."
"Yes," they replied, "and we know that Bishop Sheen is a
great actor, and Billy Graham has a lot of personality---but, Mr.
Armstrong, you've got more than they have---your deep earnestness
and straightforward sincerity because you BELIEVE so intensely in
your Message, will do more to attract listeners and change lives
than all the acting ability and personality in the world."
And, speaking of CHANGING PEOPLE'S LIVES. We know, of
course, from our scores and scores of thousands of letters, and
from meeting many of you personally, that many hundreds of precious
lives have been CHANGED into spiritual Christian lives, thru our
RADIO broadcasts and The PLAIN TRUTH.
One man, who met my son Dick in Colorado recently, said:
"I've been listening to your father since 1943. God used him to
change my whole life. And to think, that at last, I get to SEE his
son. You don't know how much this means to me. I've always wished
I could just SEE the man I've listened to so long!"
Another man, in South Dakota, said: "For years I've heard
a VOICE over the radio, pouring into my ears the MESSAGE of God.
That precious Message has totally changed my life! My! how I'd
like to go to Pasadena, and SEE with my own eyes not only Mr.
Armstrong, but the HEADQUARTERS of this great world-wide work,---
that beautiful Ambassador College campus I've heard so much about,
---and all those associated there. If only I could afford it, I'd
certainly travel fifteen hundred miles to just go there and SEE
what I've been hearing!"
For years I never could understand why listeners should
ever want to see me. There had been actually thousands of requests
for my picture---but never would I permit a picture to be
published. "It isn't I," I kept saying, "they want to see---it's
the GOSPEL MESSAGE---that's all that counts---I'm only an
instrument. There's nothing about me anyone ought to see. I don't
want people to think of me, but of CHRIST, and His GOSPEL."
For years I refused to let anyone even see my picture.
Then one day a listener wrote me an unusual letter. He put it this
way: If I attended a church service, and the pastor was afraid to
show his face and hid behind the pulpit, wouldn't I become
suspicious that he had something to hide? Didn't I always want to
actually SEE the face of a speaker, while he was speaking? Didn't
that tell me something of how really sincere the man was---wasn't
it actually a PART of his Message?
I had never thought of it that way before. Thereafter I
permitted my picture to be published. But I do realize, dear
Co-Workers, that those who HEAR the Message want to actually SEE
the speaker, as he speaks to them---and THEY HAVE A RIGHT to see
him, if possible. No speaker ought to HIDE himself.
Well, on Television, I do hope soon to be coming RIGHT INTO
YOUR HOME---not only my voice, as it has been on radio---but ALL of