me, just as if I were there in the flesh. Not only that, but I
hope to bring you, without any expensive trip across the country,
right here to the very headquarters of God's work on earth for this
time---to actually take you all over our magnificently landscaped
Ambassador College campus---to take you into our big mailing room
where you can really SEE our many students and employees MAILING
OUT YOUR PLAIN TRUTH, or that booklet you wrote in for. I expect
soon to bring you, by Television, right into some or our
class-rooms here at the college---to show you a class in
session---to show you where our students live---my office where I
do my work---to show you where the letters from Britain, Europe,
Malaya, India, South Africa, are handled and literature sent to
them---to show you our Ambassador Chorale singing---and you shall
SEE my daughter Beverly as she sings to you on the program right
out of her Bible. And soon my son Ted will join her in singing on
the program. When I speak on PROPHECY, and world catastrophes
fulfilling it, we will frequently SHOW YOU these very turbulent
scenes all over the world, by news-reel film, while I talk to you
about it---you'll actually SEE what I'm talking about.
Co-Workers, JUST THINK how much more interesting and
thrilling a TELECAST can be than a radio broadcast!
Now HERE'S OUR PLAN! We plan to make the quickest possible
change-over from the SUNDAY radio broadcast to TELEVISION. We
hope, inside of three months, to be on some thirty TV stations in
30 different parts of the country, simultaneously dropping the
radio Network and all the Sunday-only radio stations---diverting
that money to the Television program, BUT---just one Message a week
is not enough. That's all we can possibly afford now ON TV---but
we plan to continue the every night radio broadcasting---six week-
night programs a week---on WLS, WWVA, XEG, XELO, and XERB, and also
in Los Angeles, Seattle, and Portland. We cannot legally cancel
the Radio Network program until about three months from now. We
hope, by that time, to have all plans completed---TV stations
contracted to start the very next Sunday after we go off the radio
Network, in every city where we now have a large radio audience.
Now IF our listeners will continue listening to the RADIO
broadcast week-nights, in ADDITION to the Sunday TV programs, then
we plan to not only stay on WLS, WWVA, XEG, XELO, and the Pacific
Coast DAILY stations, but we hope to ADD to these two or more
additional super-power, clear-channel top-flight radio stations for
every night broadcasting, so that this DAILY broadcast may be heard
with good, clear reception in every part of the country.
So now I want to ask you to DO SOMETHING FOR ME---to help
us plan God's work. There are TEN BIG RADIO STATIONS we are
considering. From these ten, we must choose one, two, or three,
that will give good reception in some sections where you don't get
it so good over these present stations. I want YOU to tune in,
several nights, AFTER 8 o'clock, on whichever of these stations
are NEAREST you, and let me know if any of them come in clear and
strong, BETTER than one of our present stations.
Here are the ten radio stations: KOA, Denver, 850 on your
dial; WCCO, Minneapolis, 830 on the dial; WHAS, Louisville, 840 on