opened its doors to every-night religious broadcasting---the great
station of the east and north-east, WWVA, also has opened the door
to EVERY-NIGHT broadcasting of "The WORLD TOMORROW."
I have today ordered the program to go six nights a week---
EVERY night except Saturday---on WWVA, beginning immediately---at,
as I now understand the time, 10:15 PM Mondays thru Fridays; and
probably having to continue the present Sunday night time of 11:05
PM, following five minutes' news.
Now many of you cannot hear WWVA---but let me explain.
This station has a directional signal, beamed east, north-east, and
south-east. If you live west of Ohio, West Virginia, and North
Carolina, you probably can't tune it in. But WWVA will give us the
LARGEST listening audience of any station in all the states east of
Ohio, including West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and all New
U.S.---the very populous territory we never reached until we went
on the Network, where almost 50% of all the people of the United
States live.
For more than a year we have been reaching this densely-
populated section of the country by the Network stations---but only
ONCE A WEEK. Now the people in THIS territory can hear the program
every night, except Saturday!
MORE BIG NEWS! The nation's number one station---the first
radio station to start broadcasting in America---KDKA, Pittsburgh,
one of the greatest basic NBC stations, has opened the door to us,
and in addition to our smaller network station in Pittsburgh, the
world-wide Sunday program will now be heard all over Pennsylvania
and Ohio on super-power KDKA at either 8 or 8:30 Sunday nights.
STILL MORE BIG NEWS! For our many listeners up in Seattle,
Tacoma, and the Puget Sound area, we plan, as God opens the doors,
to put the program on one of the big stations there EVERY day or
every night. At present we are awaiting a decision from KVI, which
is considering the matter of opening up 9:30 every night, or a time
around 12:30 or 1, near the noon hour. Also the matter is being
considered by KOMO, the NBC 50,000-watt station in Seattle. They
have tentatively mentioned that the time of 10:30 PM might possibly
be made available, but perhaps only four nights a week could be
cleared. Our advertising agency is in contact with those stations,
and we are making every effort to work something out for our many
thousands of listeners in that area.
Meanwhile, the work is growing in England and the British
Isles, in Europe, in the far-east, and around the world. But right
now, with television competing with radio, we have had to
strengthen and greatly enlarge our radio coverage in the United
States, or the whole work would have stopped. Heart-touching
letters are coming in now, in large bunches, from all over the
world---especially from the British Isles. I can take space for
only one, and I want that to be the letter just received from the
woman who was the first one to be baptized of all our many
thousands of listeners abroad---baptized last September near Crew,