Cheshire, England, by Dick Armstrong.
"Crew, Cheshire, England. Dear Mr. Armstrong: Thank you
for your letter inviting us to attend the Festival of Tabernacles.
God willing, we shall both attend. Could you tell us a little more
about it? How much will it cost? When it is held, how long it
will take us to travel there, attend the Festival, and travel home
again. We are quite prepared to live as economically as possible,
and save all we can in order to pay the expenses ourselves. We
don't feel very comfortable about letting anyone else share the
expense and I am sure there must be some other people whose need
for financial help is greater than ours. Best wishes to Mrs.
Armstrong. Most sincerely."
THE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE: The second month's lessons of
the new Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course have now
been mailed out to those who started out as pioneer students of
this course---and that was many thousands of enrolled students.
Others enrolling later, of course, start off from enrollment with
Lesson Number ONE. The response to this course has been
ENTHUSIASTIC! Many are writing me, like an 83-year old man in
Mississippi, "This comes to express my great appreciation for the
Bible Course you sent me. I do think it to be the greatest teaching
on the Bible I ever saw. And this is the third course I've taken."
Another writes: "Have never enjoyed anything so much." A woman in
Iowa tells how she spent December 25th: "I spent about FOUR HOURS
on it (the 1st lesson) December 25th. Every time I would look up
the reference, I would read whole chapters, and I was so thrilled
with the Book of James. Never before did I know what it contained.
I am LEARNING, and so happy about it. Enclosed find $10.00 to help
with getting this Course to those who have enrolled." I surely
feel that, over a period of two to four years, IF YOU REALLY SPEND
THE TIME ON IT AND STUDY, this Course will give you a thorough,
well balanced, and UNDERSTANDING knowledge of the Bible. Yes, you
can come to really UNDERSTAND and to KNOW the Bible better than 99%
of all preachers. Never before has there been any Bible Course
like this. Some of you Co-Workers have not yet enrolled. If you
are one who has not, WHY DON'T YOU DO IT RIGHT NOW, while it's on
your mind? Use the enclosed envelope. This Correspondence Course
is one of the GREATEST leaps forward this work has ever taken!
JUST THINK how this great work of God is growing and
expanding in power and influence! Now broadcasting around the
world! The program now going out EVERY NIGHT, not only on the
super-power Mexican stations, but also now on WLS and WWVA! These
are beyond doubt the TWO most valuable radio stations in the United
States, TO US, for every night broadcasting. The Correspondence
Course now going out. Just THINK how much these things, all
started in the last month or so, have increased the USEFULNESS and
VALUE of this work to God and to millions of people!
Yes, TIME races on! This world is fast coming to its END!
But GOD'S WORK races on, too! God is BLESSING IT---GUIDING it---
PRESERVING IT---EXPANDING it---and thru it producing a BOUNTIFUL
HARVEST! God bless you for your part in it!
MOST VITAL NEWS OF ALL! Now last, but not least, comes the