There's a WONDERFUL letter! WHY? Because 1) this sister
is willing to take CORRECTION from God's Word, and asks us all to
PRAY FOR HER that she may be able to OVERCOME, with God's help; 2)
she actually saves even PENNIES, daily, for the WORK OF GOD! Isn't
that a wonderful suggestion? Co-Workers, IF YOU WILL ALL FOLLOW
GOD'S WORK! Why don't YOU start doing it? Yes, even pennies DO
HELP---they help BIG, if there are enough of them! 3) She prays
for God's work. 4) She sacrifices personal needs for it, TRUSTING
GOD, IN FAITH, TO KEEP HIS PROMISE to supply her need. This is
LIVING faith---the faith that SAVES.
Co-Workers, letters like this don't come from unconverted
people! God's work is going ahead mightily in tremendous POWER,
because so many of you dear Co-Workers are at heart just like this
dear sister. How God must love this woman! And how He must love
From Arizona, a sister writes: "Thank you for writing
another letter at once; and I truly read it in shame. The little
I had ready to send I had neglected to get in the box for the mail
carrier to pick up. I am as thankful for what I have been given to
send as if it was a very large sum. It all comes from God, and
prayer is not limited. Mr. Mattson is right---we must face facts.
The Door has been opened. We have had joy and thankfulness from
the wonderful letters, but surely we have a heavy heart to even
think of the work slowing down. We are not just another Church.
The letters from all around the world are not ordinary letters.
And we must not just pray another prayer. I am ashamed you have
to, but please write us when necessary." Dear members of the
Co-Worker Family---that letter surely touched my heart! These
letters from you dear Co-Workers are not just ordinary letters,
either! They are letters from those whose hearts God is moving,
and who have a sense of MISSION, and in deepest sincerity, we know
we are the servants of GOD, being used by HIM, each of us doing his
own part in PREPARING THE WAY BEFORE CHRIST---the advance work of
a supernatural movement soon to CHANGE THIS WHOLE WORLD---yes,
change it from war, chaos, emptiness, heartache and suffering and
frustration, into a new WORLD TOMORROW of PEACE, of vigorous
dynamic HEALTH, of bustling righteous activity, of prosperity, GOOD
Yes, WE, dear Co-Workers, are God's advance agents---and
He is using US to HELP CHANGE THE WHOLE WORLD into glorious
HAPPINESS! Oh, aren't you glad you're a PART of this great work of
God? What a privilege He has bestowed on us to permit us to be His
I could go on reprinting hundreds and hundreds of such
letters from Co-Workers like yourself. THESE letters come from
those of YOUR OWN FAMILY of Co-Workers. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU---
you're the most wonderful family on earth---the SALT of the earth
---the only LIGHT in the world!
These are only a small few of the wonderful letters I had
brought along from the recent mail. I had sorted out a large