number who have been miraculously HEALED---some of cancer---and of
other "incurable" diseases! I did so much want to give you some of
them---but I cannot take more space this time, and will have to
save them, or others like them yet to be received, until a later
NOW FINALLY! I am finishing this letter in London,
England, on August 18th. We landed just a week ago. My! what a
sight, and what a thrill it was, as we were nearing the dock at
Southampton, to look thru binoculars and see our son Dick, and Rod
Meredith standing beside him, on the balcony observation platform
over the docks! We have engaged a very nice auditorium in downtown
London for meetings, and will also hold meetings in Manchester,
England; Glasgow, Scotland; and in Belfast, Ireland. I have an
appointment with the executive vice president of the same
advertising agency that handled all the advertising that brought
out those tremendous crowds for the Billy Graham meetings, for
tomorrow morning, with a view to having them act as our advertising
agency here. They can arrange for the halls for meetings in
Manchester, Glasgow and Belfast, and also I am looking into the
possibility of using full page or half page advertisements in
English newspapers REGULARLY, printing in them a MESSAGE such as I
broadcast over the air---also getting them to tune to Radio
Luxembourg, and to write in for The PLAIN TRUTH. This may prove a
new and very powerful way to PUBLISH THE GOSPEL to the world. Turn
to Mark 13:10. We are to PUBLISH as well as to PREACH (Mat. 24:14)
the Gospel to all the world for a witness to all nations.
All such advertising has to be placed thru an advertising
agency. No newspaper here would sell us advertising space direct.
We also have to have an advertising agency in the United States for
the purchase of time on all radio stations. The advertising agency
acts as our agent---they serve only US---yet they are paid by the
newspapers or radio stations, and we do not pay a cent for their
God is again OPENING DOORS for us over here in England.
Today we received a large batch of letters from our London mail-
receiving agents, from listeners from all over England, Scotland,
and Ireland from last week's broadcast. There are now several over
here to be baptized, and last reports were that our men touring the
United States had baptized a very large number so far this summer.
CO-WORKERS! Remember the work is still in the TIGHT
SQUEEZE! By faith I feel sure we are going to squeeze thru---but
it's going to take greater effort than ever by ALL YOU CO-WORKERS!
His advance representatives, PREPARING THE WAY FOR THE COMING OF
CHRIST to CHANGE this world from suffering and war and poverty and
unhappiness, into a world of PEACE, and HAPPINESS, universal
PROSPERITY, and JOY! Yes, you have a heavy responsibility laid on
you by God Almighty to DO YOUR PART! Your part is IMPORTANT! Time
is growing SHORTER!
REMEMBER! I have to trust God, while I'm over here in
His service, to lay it heavily on your heart to send in all you