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reading the letters from those of other lands. It show us that the
true Gospel will at last be preached to all the world. Your son
Dick, and Herman Hoeh, are sure both good on the radio. I enjoy
hearing your daughter sing. I am, as ever, hoping and PRAYING that
God's work may not suffer loss but go forward by leaps and bounds,
in Jesus name." Co-Workers, do you realize that MOST of the money
that carries on GOD'S WORK today comes at great sacrifice from
those of small means? People of wealth seem never to give any of
their wealth to God.
No, nearly all our Co-Workers are just common, plain, and
relatively poor people. That's the kind of people that have JOINED
YOU, and me, in carrying on the greatest work on earth today. The
two, five, thirty, or one or two hundred dollars they send usually
comes at great sacrifice. Some have given $1,000 up to $3,000 at
one time, but at great sacrifice, for they have not been wealthy,
but of just ordinary means. These letters are just picked at
random, and are typical of ALL your fellow Co-Workers. That's why
every dollar counts. REMEMBER, that "TIGHT SQUEEZE" is not over---
and won't be for some months. We must continually try to "dig in
a little harder," and put forth increasing effort, to weather this
Mrs. Armstrong and I have weathered some fairly rough sea
these past two days, and she spent one day in bed with sea-sickness
---but now we are in the English Channel, and it is smoother going.
I went up on the upper decks several times. We were heading into
very stiff winds and rough seas, but America's biggest, fastest,
and proudest ship did not slacken speed---it just kept ploughing
right on thru the choppy waters, wind or no wind---big swells not-
withstanding. It gave me the thought---are we going to slacken our
efforts and slow down and let GOD'S WORK stop, because we are
heading into some rough going for a while? In due time thousands
of NEW Co-Workers will join us to carry on God's work more
powerfully than ever! A ship at sea doesn't let rough going stop
it. Business men can't lay down and quit when they meet hard
going. HOW MUCH MORE ought we, carrying the very WORK OF GOD, to
put on EXTRA EFFORT right now, and keep God's work going ahead!
A woman Co-Worker in Texas writes: "I just received your
very urgent letter of the desperate need of this all-important work
of God. I earnestly pray God will come to the rescue once more, as
He has so many times. It sure seems as if we are being tried and
tested. ...I have to sacrifice to send what little I do. I try
each day to sacrifice a little more, to have a few more cents to
send. I know that if I put God's work ahead of my own personal
need that He has PROMISED to supply my every need, and I am
trusting Him for that, and I am sure a lot of Co-Workers feel the
same way. I have been enjoying your son's sermons the past few
days,---especially the one last night. It sure hit me, but I
needed it very much, and I hope I can be corrected by it. I do
want the Bible Correspondence Course as soon as it is ready. ...I
enjoyed the letters you sent from all the many listeners all over
the world. It made me realize that time is very short, and that we
must work harder than ever before, altho it seems my part is so
little. But you pray for me, that I will do it well, and overcome
by the help of God. $2 enclosed."