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over WCAE, at 4 P.M. God bless you and keep the broadcasts
coming."---Her plea, dear Co-Workers, to keep the broadcasts
coming, is to YOU! Will you respond---at once---even at sacrifice
From northern Indiana, a bed-ridden man writes: "Dear Sir:
After having received and read my copies of The PLAIN TRUTH, The
Key to Revelation, and The United States in Prophecy. I wish to
express that by all means this is the most valuable and instructive
material I have yet to ever receive regarding Bible prophecy. It
is something I have looked for, for years, but regardless of where
I've been or what I've read I could never find these most vital
truths that I looked for. I'm so thrilled that at last I have
found some one who can give me the Bible Scriptures as I have
wanted to hear and see for a long time. I get your program on
Sundays over station WAIT, Chicago. I have been in bed for the
past 6 weeks, but I faithfully promise I shall send in my
contribution as soon as I'm able to work again and will continue to
do so. I wish every one in the world could read and hear your
wonderful messages so they really would know God, and His wonderful
plan, and what a wonderful world we are all soon to live in, and
witness God's great handiwork. Until I'm able to contribute my
share in this wonderful program, may God take care of you and see
that you never go off the air or ever stop printing these wonderful
and instructive messages of His divinely-inspired Word." ---Dear
Co-Workers, do you catch the zeal and the enthusiasm of this man
confined to bed! He is a new listener. Let's pray God will open
his eyes to God's HEALING power! He represents THOUSANDS of new
net-work listeners who SOON WILL BE JOINING OUR FAMILY OF
CO-WORKERS. Thousands of listeners are PRAYING that God won't take
us off the air. We, as we permit the Holy Spirit to work in and
thru us, are THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD---the only light shining in a
dark and hopeless world---but look what sunshine radiates from the
hearts of those---even tho bed-ridden---on them the light falls!
Oh, how I hate to stop quoting these wonderful letters---
letters form listeners who have been HEALED of serious diseases by
God thru our prayers---letters of those being SAVED. They inspire
us---they tug at our hearts---they fill us with joy and zeal.
I cannot resist this one more brief letter from a Mexican
neighbor, down in Mexico: "My Dear Pastor: Never before in my life
have I given anything to any church for one reason: no minister of
any church nor denomination ever before---and I have listened to
good many---have convinced me of whether they spoke the TRUTH or
not. But you have done it! So here is my offering to our ALL
MIGHTY God. Please pray for my people, the people of Mexico, that
they all can hear the words of God. Truly yours." WILL YOU PRAY
FOR THESE MEXICAN PEOPLE? Pray that God will OPEN A DOOR that we
can reach them in THEIR OWN LANGUAGE!
SPECIAL! IMPORTANT! The Correspondence Course in Bible
Study is now almost ready to start printing and distributing. We
have decided to make no charge---to send it out IN FAITH. SEND IN
YOUR REQUEST NOW, if you have not previously done so, to enroll for
this course of study.