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what I mean. To me it seemed that as you broadcast I could see
happening what you were saying, just like someone speaking and I
watching it all take place, like on a screen---like in moving
pictures---like a television programme. I am a long way behind, so
all spare Bible literature you could send me will be very welcome,
and with your broadcasts, too, I shall be on the right road, thanks
to you, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. Yours faithfully."---and he
should have said, had he known, also THANKS TO YOU, dear Co-Workers
---for it is MONEY YOU SENT that paid for reaching this man's
heart, and starting him toward a life of salvation in Christ! Of
course I am writing our ministers in London to visit this man
immediately, and give him personal help. Doesn't your heart
thrill, when you realize what a wonderful work God has called us
From an Army sergeant, stationed in Mississippi: "Dear Mr.
Armstrong: I've been listening to 'The WORLD TOMORROW' over
station XEG since 1947. I have tried to stop this habit (of
listening) many times, but I always am somehow drawn back into your
vast radio congregation. In my youth I was quite religious. I
went twelve years without missing a single Sunday service. The
more I studied your sermons, the more my eyes seemed to be
opened....You seem to shed more light on the meaning of Scriptures
than any one I know. I am endeavoring to reach this same degree of
enlightenment, and know I have a long way to go. A lot of the men
here listen to your program (men in the Army) and would share the
magazine with me. Everywhere I go, I see people listening to your
program---all over Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.
Yours Sincerely."
NEW NET-WORK LISTENERS: Here are just a few letters from
NEW listeners in states we reached weakly or not at all before:
A young man, in Miami, Florida, writes: "Dear Sir: I have
heard your program over WQAM, in Miami, Fla. I wish to
respectfully request a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH, which you have told
us about. I greatly enjoy listening to you, and wish there were
more of your type of speakers instead of those that bring the
rambling sermons in our churches. I believe more young people like
myself want concrete information given to them. You have brought
to me a challenge as to whether I can follow God's Word, and have
faith as I have chosen, by belief, His Son as the way to eternity.
I pray that I can, and will certainly try. Thank you again, and
we'll be listening for you." I hope recent broadcasts on LIVING
FAITH have shown this young man the way to the righteousness of
God. It is YOUR MONEY that carries this continual help toward
eternal life to MILLIONS---all AROUND THE WORLD! Isn't it
A woman in western Pennsylvania writes: "Dear Mr.
Armstrong: I am receiving The PLAIN TRUTH magazine each month, and
it is wonderful what the Holy Spirit has done for me in opening my
eyes to understanding, through this magazine and my Bible. I read
it all through, and then go back over it and re-study it with the
Bible. I can't wait until the next month's issue comes, sometimes.
I listen each Sunday to you over the air, and have told many of my
friends in Pittsburgh about your broadcast. We receive it here