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cast from Radio Ceylon on the 5th May. Before closing I heard that
you can send at request, especially to foreign listeners, a
brochure, in which religious articles are explained. One of those
articles might be about the sense of life, another one dealing with
the question, whether there is a God. I should like to have that
book, that's why I ask you kindly to send me a copy of it. I feel
very obliged, if you would acknowledge me on what days and at what
time you are broadcasting your service, as I want to listen to you
in due time. Thanking you in anticipation for your kindness, I
remain yours faithfully, M. Sumadyone." To the peoples of India,
China, and the far east I have been talking to them on the
broadcasts about the PURPOSE of life, and about what God is like,
and giving them scientific evidence of God's existence. Remember
those people over there, most of them, know nothing about God or
about Christ. But many are listening, and beginning to write in
for further instruction in print about God and about the purpose of
life, and salvation. THE MONEY YOU SEND IN PAYS FOR THIS. Jesus
commanded: "Go ye into ALL THE WORLD and preach the Gospel." God
is now doing this---thru YOU and me!
From Wardmaster's Office, Royal Air Force Hospital, in
Germany: "Dear Sir: Could you kindly oblige me by sending your book
on God's word in Revelation as advertised over Radio Luxembourg.
I am studying God's Word here in Germany, and I do feel this book
of yours could prove to be a valuable asset to me. Until I hear
from you then, I remain...."
From all parts of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, the
letters continue to pour in. My son Dick and Rod Meredith are both
over there now, visiting with and counselling and baptizing those
being converted thru the program. Right now you are hearing (or
soon will hear) Dick's voice on our regular daily program in
America. I had him record these programs before they sailed for
England, to help me gain some much needed rest this summer. Soon
I hope you will hear Dick and Mr. Meredith speaking to you from
England, or from France or Germany. It appears there are already
enough who have been converted, in London alone, to organize and
maintain a regular Church there. The broadcast and The PLAIN
TRUTH are really SHAKING and AROUSING many thousands in the British
Isles, and the work is growing there by leaps and bounds. We are
receiving letters now by the thousands from there, but I will wait
until next time to reprint some of them for you.
I will take space for only this one letter from England,
this time. A man in London writes: "Dear Sir: Please send to me
your PLAIN TRUTH magazine. Thank you, Sir. As a child I went to
church regularly up to age 16 years without understanding the
Bible; but during the war I went to some evangelistic meetings in
northern Ireland, where I did begin to understand some. Then I
moved away to another country, and that became the end of under-
standing the Bible, till tonight when I listened to your broadcast
(June 22) for the first time from Radio Luxembourg, but will be a
regular listener from now on. You drove home to me what I needed
most. I cannot explain what it is. I was carried away, and I need
to know more---much more---to understand what I misunderstood all
these long years. I am now 34 years of age. You not only help and
guide, but put it to people explained. I can't find words to say