EXTRA SPECIAL! I feel there has been no greater handicap
to this great work than this: I have found myself unable to carry
on a WORLD-WIDE ministry to the MILLIONS, and also a personal and
individual ministry. Lately I have been unable even to see many
visitors who have come to see our college and beautiful campus, and
I have not been able to keep up with answering personal letters
from listeners and co-workers. I am overjoyed to tell you my
younger son, Ted, has been making remarkable strides in preparing
for the ministry, and is now my personal executive secretary. We
are training two girl-student typists to work with us, and Ted is
going to help lighten my many burdens so I can plan to devote an
hour or two a day to dictating personal replies to letters. Now,
at last, I hope to get many of the thousands of letters answered.
Mrs. Armstrong and I are deeply grateful to God beyond any words
that He has called, and thoroughly converted, our two sons, and we
are of course overjoyed to see the real ZEAL and energy they are
both putting into God's work. Ted's help will enable me, at last,
to get more of the personal letters answered. I've done my best,
but I'm human and have never been able to keep up with answering
personal letters from listeners and co-workers. If YOURS has been
unanswered, please try to understand, and do not be offended, but
PRAY with me that God will help me to solve this problem.
FINALLY---Co-Workers, we've just go to "tighten our belts"
a little more, sacrifice and go without some other material thing
we want or had planned on, and PRAY A BIG LOT MORE, and throw our
whole selves into this mighty WORK OF GOD as never before!
We've got to, somehow, INCREASE the weekly and monthly
amount of money sent in for the most important work on earth! NEW
listeners in those states where HALF the population of the United
States lives are becoming more interested all the time---thousands
of new Co-Workers will be joining us---but we simply have to carry
on thru this TIGHT SQUEEZE for several more months!
immediately another AVALANCHE of "widow's mites"---nearly everyone
can send at least TWO dollars, if not more. And I need also by
return mail more of the BIG amounts from those whom God has made
able. No one has ever yet put as much as $10,000 at one time in
God's work. Surely, among our thousands of Co-Workers, isn't there
at least ONE who is able to make such a contribution to the most
important work on earth? Remember, we are fully recognized and
approved by the Internal Revenue Bureau, so that all your tithes
and offerings sent in are deductible, up to 20% of your annual
income. If any Co-Worker would like special advice regarding such
deductions, or about willing to God's work whatever you have or any
portion of it, our auditor was for 12 years a government attorney
in the Internal Revenue Bureau headquarters at Washington, and will
answer any such questions or give you any needed help.
From all over the world comes the cry: "God grant you won't
have to go off the air."
DO YOU HEAR THAT APPEAL? Please, dear Co-Workers, go to a
private place, close the door, drop to your knees, and pour out
your heart to God over this desperate situation! PLEASE take it to