and wishing you God's best to carry on The Gospel that's God's
Command, Sincerely yours." Now this is one of thousands of letters
from NEW LISTENERS who have just heard the first broadcast. This
shows how even one broadcast makes steady listeners of them---and
this one will soon join you---like thousands more---as a Co-Worker.
Our job is to HOLD ON until enough of these NEW Co-Workers join us
to pay all expenses!
Here is a letter from a woman in Atlanta Georgia, who has
been listening now for several weeks, has already been getting The
PLAIN TRUTH, and is soon going to join us as a co-worker---There
are thousands more like her: "Dear Bro. Armstrong: I received your
booklet and your magazine, and I am just thrilled over both of
them. I have heard you several times, now, over WEAS (Atlanta),
and I like your books and I appreciate them to the highest, and
when I get so I can send you a little donation, I will. I am sick,
but I appreciate your sending them to me." (Perhaps she will learn
to trust GOD for healing and save doctor bills.) "Remember me in
your prayers," she adds.
Here is a family, way up in Maine, that has been brought out
of Paganism into God's TRUTH. Here is an example of the POWER OF
GOD in these broadcasts and the literature, changing human lives!
YOUR DOLLARS paid for the broadcasts that did this! This letter
written by the husband: "Dear Sir: I wish to thank you very much
for sending The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. My wife and I enjoy reading
it very much. We also enjoy hearing your wonderful broadcasts
every Sunday. Both my wife and I were brought up in the Catholic
teachings, and we thank God that He has drawn us away from this
Pagan religion. And now that we know the TRUTH we wonder how
anybody can accept such a foolish and ridiculous religion. We have
a very, very small income, but since hearing your talk on tithing
we have vowed to give our "tenth" from now on. We have always held
back, but thanks to your recent broadcast on the subject we
actually look forward with joyful hearts to give for the Lord's
wonderful work. Please continue to send your fine magazine and we
pray that God will richly bless your marvelous efforts." Not only
changed lives, but faithful tithe-payers to HELP reach still
others, in this home! God is going to make this man's income
Now here's a letter from a woman in Indiana, who has gone
thru all the woods of confusion, picking up crooked sticks, as it
were, in her eager search for the TRUTH---and who now finally has
found the glorious LIGHT to her path that will lead her out of
confusion, and into TRUTH and ETERNAL LIFE---and all because YOU
sent in those dollars to pay for the broadcasts on these new
stations! Here is her interesting letter: "Mr. Armstrong: I
heard your talk on 'Faith' last night on the Cincinnati station,
WLW, and received so much from the talk. I have been seeking for
almost eight years that which will bring me closer to God, and
peace of mind,---seems the studies have helped me, and I refer to
'Unity Studies,'---(something like Christian Science)---But still,
it just doesn't do for me what I would like it to. But when I
heard your talk it made things plainer to me, how to go about these
things in a simple way, and make my life better. When you said we
can have the faith Christ did, it impressed me very much. I feel