that thru you I will attain that for which I have been seeking.
Will you please send me the April 'Plain Truth"? Thanking you, and
God's Blessings." Let us all PRAY that this woman will follow the
light, and surrender herself fully to God!
Here is a sample of thousands, who, upon listening the first
time, are impressed and interested, and will be REGULAR LISTENERS.
From up north in Bay City, Michigan: "Please mail magazine. We
listened to your program last Sunday, over WBCM, Bay City, Mich.
Your sermon was appreciated and very interesting, and will listen
again next Sunday. Yours truly."
From North Miami, Florida: "Dear Sir: I am a regular
listener every Sunday over WQAM, Miami, Florida, and indeed enjoy
every word of your discourses. Also your daughter's beautiful
singing; as one cannot hear too much of God's Holy Word I would
appreciate your sending me The PLAIN TRUTH. Thanking you, I am,
From New York City: "Dear Dr. Armstrong: I should very much
like to subscribe to 'The Plain Truth." I heard your broadcast for
the first time this morning (station WABC, New York), and was given
the answer to a question that has long upset me. To realize that
it is Christ's faith, and not our own faith that saves us, seems
quite logical now. I had always approached the problem of how to
get faith in entirely the wrong way. I did not understand if you
mentioned a subscription rate to 'The Plain Truth." Sincerely,
From Pawtucket, Rhode Island: "Dear Sir: I wish to thank
you for The PLAIN TRUTH magazine you sent me by request. I listen
to you most every Sunday P.M. on Station WPJB, and am very
interested. I read the little paper all day yesterday, and found
I could get a lot of understanding and comfort from doing so. Oh,
yes, I read my Bible a lot, but wonder a lot about religions---
there are so many of them. So I don't go to any church. Thank you
again for your paper. I will send you a bill when I can get out.
I have a lame foot from an accident. Yours very truly, ..."
From McKeesport, Pennsylvania: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: We
listen to your radio program over WCAE (Pittsburgh) each Sunday.
Have received a lot of help and inspiration from your sermons.
Please send me your paper, 'The Plain Truth,' also would like to
take your Bible Study course. The faith I was raised in we never
read or used a Bible, but since I found my Saviour a year and a
half ago, I read it every day, and I know your Bible course will
help me to understand it better. Thanking you, and God bless you.
Yours in Christ, ..."
From a state university in Florida: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: I
wish to say 'thank you' for that inspiring message that you gave on
the radio last Sunday. It was one that I shall long remember.
Kindly send me 'The Plain Truth,' and enroll me in the free
correspondence course on the Study of the Bible. Yours truly, ..."
From Charleston, W. Va.: "Dear Sir: Having listened to your
wonderful messages the last two Sundays (for the first times), I