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thanks. Ever truly yours, . ."
From a woman in far-away Singapore, on the other side of the
world: "Dear Sir: On Thursday evening, (17th March) I heard Mr.
Armstrong broadcast a most interesting sermon from Radio Ceylon on
the subject of man's projected flight to the moon. In it he
mentioned that a free copy of 'The Plain Truth' could be obtained
from you, and I would be grateful to receive a copy. Please convey
my thanks to Mr. Armstrong for his excellent sermon. Yours
Here is a letter mailed at Liverpool, England, with this, and
nothing more, written on the envelope: "Mr. Herbert Thompson, BBC
Preacher late at night I am not sure of the address, Radio
Luxembourg programme, Enclosed letter to LONDON," and at left upper
corner, "Post-office: Would you kindly forward to him, Thank you."
My name is not Thompson. I am not a BBC Preacher, and there is no
preaching on the BBC late at night. Yet the London post-office got
that letter delivered to me in Pasadena, California! WE SALUTE THE
EFFICIENCY OF THE LONDON POST OFFICE. (The probable answer is that
several men who work in the post office are regular listeners, and
knew the address.) Here is the letter that was inside: "I will be
grateful if you will kindly send me the Prophetic News so I can
study it for myself. I think God is using you as an instrument for
His purpose. As He has gifted you with a pronounced and assuring
voice which is a great gift; so convincing; I am sure you will have
the means of doing untold good by this particular gift from above.
I am enjoying your broadcast. Hoping there will be many converted.
I am age 80. Thank you. Yours respectfully."
There are SO MANY more good letters from England. They are
now receiving The PLAIN TRUTH, many having received the second or
third copy, and are very enthusiastic. If there is space, I will
reprint a few more in this letter, later, but first I want you to
read some of the thousands of letters coming in from NEW listeners
in those parts of the United States we never reached before, now
hearing the Message over ABC Network. Here are a few!
From Maine: "Dear Mr. Armstrong: I listen every Sunday to
your program on WABI, and you are doing a wonderful work for the
Lord. I would like to be on your mailing list for The PLAIN TRUTH.
I would like so much to learn more about the Word of God. I am
studying my Bible, and there are so many things that I do not
understand. Thank You. Sincerely." There are now many thousands
of new listeners, like this one, now becoming intensely interested
in studying, and coming to UNDERSTAND, the Bible.
From Toronto, Ont., Canada: "Dear Brother in Christ: Just a
line to let you know I heard your broadcast last night (Sunday),
over WKBW, Buffalo, N.Y., for the first time, and I really got a
blessing out of it, for it was humble and all GOD'S word, not
man's. I readily agree with you;---if people would only take their
Bibles and read God's Word---man can make a mistake, God never
makes a mistake. I would love to have your lessons of the Bible
Study Correspondence Course you spoke of last night. While I do
read and understand a lot, I know I can benefit by your literature,
and will try and send a gift next letter. Thanking you in advance,