VOL. III Number 6
November 6, 1942
Published every little while, by your
radio-pastor editor Herbert W. Armstrong,
Box 111, Eugene, Ore., to bring spiritual
edification and encouragement to our little
family of co-workers who make possible The
GREETINGS! Fellow Co-workers, again from Hollywood!
I have a most urgent message for you at this time. I am
writing from Hollywood, where again I am speaking daily Tuesdays
thru Fridays for a total of four weeks over KMTR at 8:30 a.m., in
addition to the Sunday broadcasts. And so again I will have this
printed and mailed to you from my office in Eugene.
First, let me tell you how abundantly God is blessing our
efforts---how far beyond our expectations!
The broadcast of "The WORLD TOMORROW" over station WHO,
Des Moines, is bringing 500 to 800 letters and cards per broadcast
---and radio men say that is a truly REMARKABLE response. The
letters are pouring in from all over the United States and Canada.
And what wonderful, and enthusiastic letters so many of them are!
In the last issue of "The BULLETIN" I reprinted a number of them
for you to read.
While here in the Los Angeles district again I am
speaking twice Sundays---2 and 5:30 p.m.,---at the large Biltmore
theatre, the number one auditorium for lectures or independent
preaching in downtown Los Angeles. Last Sunday we had two splendid
crowds again---the auditorium well filled, with ten to twelve
hundred at the afternoon service and about 800 attending the
evening service.
Last evening I baptised five dear people---two men and
three women---all of whom have shown plain evidence of having fully
repented and accepting Jesus as personal Saviour. Oh, what a joy
it is to see souls really converted---their lives completely
CHARGED, and to behold the kind of smile and expression that
illuminates such faces, after the tears of repentance, and after
they have come to the assurance that their sins are really washed
away thru the blood of Christ, and that they stand CLEAN before
GOD! Personally, I know that to me this is worth all the time and
effort, the hardship, the disappointments and difficulties we meet
along the way to try and test our faith---it is reward many times
But now I must tell you that the printers have run into
unavoidable delays in getting the booklet "U.S. in Prophecy" off
the press. This has been two-thirds set in type for some time,
but due to labor shortage and difficulties of war-time, the
printers have told us they just simply cannot rush things thru as