they formerly did. According to the latest information I have
had here in Hollywood, this booklet should be off the press ready
for mailing within a day or two after this BULLETIN is mailed to
you. The names and addresses are all written on the envelopes,
just waiting for the printers to deliver the booklets, so we can
insert them and mail them. We are doing our best to rush them to
Apparently, though, because of this delay, many of our
Co-workers have held up sending their tithes and offerings the past
two or three weeks, until the situation is becoming serious.
It is costing a GREAT DEAL of extra money to carry this
broadcast over super-power WHO, where it can be heard in every
state and over all Canada. And so far very little in the way of
tithes and offerings is coming back from our hundreds of thousands
of NEW listeners all over the United States and Canada. Just about
one-tenth the actual COST of that powerful station is coming back
from its listeners, so far. I can not,---I WILL not, beg for money
over the air. It isn't God's way. Consequently the financial
response from a new station is much slower than if I kept begging
for money all the time. BUT I AM SURE THAT THE GOOD WE DO IS
MULTIPLIED BECAUSE I DO NOT---and our motive must be to GIVE of the
Gospel, not to GET.
If our present Co-workers will just keep up their efforts
and their loyalty to God's cause, without slackening, we shall be
able to continue to carry this and this entire greatly-enlarged
work which is fast becoming a national POWER for God. And in due
time the new listeners from WHO will---enough of them---respond
voluntarily with tithes and offerings so that more and more
powerful stations may be added until we have a truly CONCENTRATED
radio audience in every section of the country, COAST to COAST.
But our present Co-workers will have to remain loyally
behind us, not becoming weary with well-doing, if we are to
continue and this great work for the KINGDOM is to continue to leap
ahead and to be multiplied in power every few months as it has been
during this present year.
For years it seemed to me that God did not open the way,
or permit us to move along as rapidly as I felt, humanly, we ought
to go. But now it is different. God is now moving ahead,
preparing the way before us, even more rapidly than we are able
to organize ourselves to FOLLOW where He leads and opens
Station WJJD, the nation's most powerful independent (or
non-net-work) station in Chicago is now open to us. It has been
considered IMPOSSIBLE for any more religious programs to get on
any net-work. Mutual is the ONLY net-work that will carry
religious broadcasts. And it has been well-known that Mutual was
now closed to any more religious broadcasts. It seemed the door
was closed tight against the real expansion of this marvelous work
to a Coast-to-Coast net-work. But now, I am happy to say to you,
God has OPENED THE DOOR TO US, and as soon as we are ready, I am
assured we will be able to send the Message out---the Message you