over the coming KINGDOM.
We shall observe it at the set time, as usual, in Eugene.
The time is September 26th to October 3rd inclusive. Meetings will
be held in our little church building, at the end of West Eighth
Avenue. There are many new and modern tourist cabins and motels
within a short distance, for visitors. Several are coming from
Seattle, Everett, Tacoma and Olympia, and Vancouver, Washington;
from Portland and other points in Oregon; from Los Angeles and
southern California.
For eight full days God's people will meet together in a
splendid fellowship with God thru Christ, and with one another.
You'll meet some of God's true people here. You'll ENJOY their
inspiring fellowship. There will be Bible reading and prayer
service every morning; Bible study and round-table discussion every
afternoon; singing and evangelistic preaching service every
evening. YOU ARE INVITED TO COME. If God lays it on your heart,
put everything else aside, and come. Write my office in Eugene if
you wish cabins reserved. I shall return from Des Moines, by way
of Los Angeles, speaking again in downtown Los Angeles Sunday,
September 20th, returning to Eugene in time for the Fall Festival.