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talents endowed by God which we hope may be used exclusively in
God's service in the near future. We have other secretaries,
expert in all kinds of secretarial work, research, etc., now
waiting for the call to join our staff in the office.
Soon The PLAIN TRUTH circulation will be up to 25,000
copies. Then 50,000, and on up. It must come out, as soon as
facilities permit, on the first of every month. Later we hope to
expand it is size from the present 12 to 16 pages.
We plan, as soon as we have this added help in the
office, to publish the Bible Study Quarterly regularly every
quarter. We plan to publish many booklets and single articles on
various Bible subjects. We hope too, to resume publication of
another magazine, "The GOOD NEWS", edited just for those who
really have been baptised by the Holy Spirit into the one and
only true Body of Christ---a magazine containing spiritual food,
going into the deeper truths, feeding God's true flock. The
PLAIN TRUTH is not intended to fill that purpose, but is rather
evangelistic, intended to reach those OUTSIDE---the carnal-minded
who could not understand real spiritual truths, as well as the
truly spiritual-minded.
We feel we are alive to the need. Just as soon as God
makes this enlarged work, with an enlarged staff, an actuality,
we will have MANY more good things for you than we can offer you
now. Big things are ahead. Yet, TIME IS SHORT, we fully realize.
We must all WORK, while we may,---while it is day,---for the night
cometh when no man can work. Soon there will be an utter FAMINE of
hearing the Word of the Eternal. What we do, we must DO QUICKLY.
We are ready to build this work to these greater, more effective,
more powerful and far-reaching heights, just as rapidly as our
Co-workers provide the financial means. God has already raised up
the right and qualified people for the various jobs to be filled.
Let us PUT OUR ALL into it---and NOW!
* * * * * * * * *
DON'T FORGET - - - to notify this office of your change of
Did you ever read, in Zechariah 14, how, after Christ
returns to RESTORE God's ways upon earth, that ALL nations,
including all Gentiles, will be forced to keep the Festival of
TABERNACLES every fall?
If we are now being trained, in our Christian life, to
sit with Christ on His throne then---to carry out His orders as
kings and priests under Him---to help enforce these ways at that
time---should we not be practicing these ways now?
There is not space here to explain all there is in the
Bible about God's Festival of Tabernacles. Suffice it to say it
is God's camp-meeting time. It is His VACATION time. It is His
THANKSGIVING time---not one Thanksgiving day but eight of them in
one glorious festival. It is a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving