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the way. Thru you I know God will meet this present supreme crisis
in our work. It will take great sacrifice on the part of many of
you, I know. Better make that sacrifice now and SAVE EVERYTHING
than lose everything in defeat in this war, and perhaps lose out
with Almighty God besides! No sacrifice, now, is too great. I
need a FLOOD of tithes and offerings from our small but growing
family of co-workers to meet this present supreme need. We need
LARGE amounts---$25, $50, $100, yes, even $1,000 or more---from all
who can, even by great sacrifice, put such sums in God's work in
this very crucial hour. And we need the widow's mite. Will you
RUSH, even air-mail, the largest amount you can spare, by immediate
return mail? I know you will,---and GOD BLESS YOU!
I am now rushing this to my office in Eugene, air mail,
to be printed in the Bulletin and mailed to you. An addressed
returned envelope is enclosed for your convenience.
Your fellow-servant,
Herbert W. Armstrong
. . . . . . . . .
Under God's blessing, for which we are more grateful than
words can express, this work is doubling and re-doubling in size
and scope and power.
I want briefly to outline now to our Co-workers some of
the plans we have tentatively in mind for the conduct of this
greatly enlarged and fast-growing work. We hope within a few
more months to be Coast-to-coast on the air.
The time is coming, now, when we shall need an enlarged
personnel in the office. We printed 9,000 copies of this issue
of The PLAIN TRUTH. Next issue will be on a much-improved white
paper. I realize the necessity of publishing it regularly once
each month. That has been impossible due to lack of help. But
now the supreme need is here, and God is paving the way before us
in every direction. He is raising up men fitted by natural
talent, ability, and education and experience, especially
spiritual experience,---men whose hearts are right toward Him and
His ways---to step in.
We are planning now to bring one of our very valuable and
trusted Co-workers, Dr. Douglas Blake of Seattle, into the office
within two or three months. He is fitted by education, experience,
and Bible understanding to help in the preparation of material for
articles in The PLAIN TRUTH, in answering correspondence that has
had to be neglected, in devoting time to research for facts and
information needed both for radio programs and articles. We hope
later to have Basil Wolverton, an artist and trained writer from
Vancouver, Washington, on the staff in the office. About three
years ago he was an atheist. He was converted solely by our broad-
cast. He has grown spiritually and in knowledge until he is now
elder of our little group in Vancouver. He has many excellent