POSSIBLE. I went ahead on sheer faith. And thru YOU, co-workers
with me in this work, God supplied every cent that was needed, and
ON TIME, so I could pay every broadcast in advance. THAT DOUBLED
THE POWER AND SCOPE OF OUR RADIO WORK. It doubled the vast radio
audience---raised it to approximately a half million people hearing
the message every week.
And now, after three short weeks of hard work in my
office---just three short weeks at home with my wife and family,
and three splendid services in downtown Seattle, I am speeding back
to Des Moines to undertake a NEW test of faith JUST TWICE AS GREAT
The time for broadcasting on this great super-power
station will cost just TWICE AS MUCH as time costs us in Southern
California. It will reach twice as large an audience---will again
DOUBLE the listening audience---add another HALF MILLION LISTENERS
EVERY WEEK! Think of it---a total of ONE MILLION in our vast radio
audience every week. That's what the addition of station WHO will
mean! This station thoroughly covers the whole state of Iowa, and
can be heard plainly over the main population sections of the six
surrounding states in daytime. If we could afford a night-time
broadcast (twice the cost of day-time), we could be heard in every
part of the United States on this one station alone.
To establish this broadcast quickly---to really GET OVER
our vital warning message intensively and in a hurry---I ought to
be able to broadcast EVERY DAY for the two weeks I shall be in Des
Moines. To do so will cost over $500 a week. I CANNOT OBLIGATE
MYSELF to any such amount as a debt. I can do it, ONLY if I have
the money TO PAY IN ADVANCE! By faith I KNOW God will supply, thru
you who receive this Bulletin, enough extra at this time to
undertake the regular Sunday broadcast over WHO. But I cannot
undertake an EVERY-DAY broadcast unless you send that money for me
to pay IN ADVANCE. By all means it ought to be done. WILL YOU DO
IT, for God and for your country?
If we want to back up the boys risking their lives in the
armed forces---if we want to help save this country now while it
still is NOT too late, this surely is the way to do it. God
helping us, I know of no one else warning this nation of its plight
---WARNING this nation that it now MUST TURN TO GOD in order to win
and save its very life---starting the crusade for the great vast
OFFENSIVE that will defeat Hitler and can be started NOW---the
great national heart-rending PRAYER OFFENSIVE I am now calling for
in every broadcast.
Will YOU enlist, now, ANEW? Will you drop to your knees
and pray earnestly and fervently? Pray for this country to repent
and turn to God. Pray for me and this work. PRAY that God will
reward this SHEER WORK OF FAITH, and meet this supreme need just
now. Remember we never beg for money over the air---never even
hint at it directly or indirectly. We put no price on The PLAIN
TRUTH or anything we have---the Gospel must be GIVEN---it must go
FREE. I know of no other work like this. God is blessing it
abundantly and almost beyond belief. This work is leaping forward
now by leaps and bounds, as God goes before and opens and prepares