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there willÄÄa number will be saved NOW,ÄÄand as Jesus ordained, HIS
GOSPEL shall now quickly and powerfully be proclaimed IN ALL
WHAT A RESPONSIBILITY this places on you and me! But we
need not fear, or falter. It is GOD'S doing. We are merely the
instruments He has chosen. He has already raised up the mechanical
instruments and power to CARRY His Message by radio into ALL
nations. He will guide us and direct us. He has given us His
MessageÄÄopened our understanding to His TRUTH. He has provided us
with the prerequisite ability and EXPERIENCE, thru 19 years of
broadcasting in America. He has given us the "know-how," and now,
also the organization and the trained, consecrated, experienced
HELP I need in the ministry. One of the greatest miracles in all
this miraculous work of God is what He has done in raising up young
ministers to assist me.
Let me tell you a bit about that. IT'S IMPORTANT! Among
the students God has sent to Ambassador College are some whom our
professors, who have taught at Harvard, Cornell, and similar
institutions, tell me would rank at the very TOP if they had gone
to Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, or such universities. We have
men of exceptional talents and abilitiesÄÄbut above all, men whom
God has called, who are consecrated to Him and His mission, and
whom He has given UNDERSTANDING of God's TRUTH. Yet it seems no
two of these men have the same talents or abilities. God has
sent to me at Pasadena that VARIETY of capabilities needed for
His work. Already four of them have graduated, two more will
graduate in January, and another two in June. They are learning
to speak foreign languages fluently.
For example, I am starting the broadcast to all Europe
with a half hour program in English. Millions will be listening
who understand English. Then in June, when he expects to receive
his post-graduate Master's degree, my son Dick, according to
present plans, is to return to Europe to open permanent branch
offices in London and Paris, and open an additional 15-minute
program to all Europe in the French language, which he speaks like
a native Frenchman. The following June Dick's understudy and
assistant in the radio work, Norman Smith, upon graduation, is
scheduled to go to Europe and join Dick in the management of the
work there, and perhaps permit Dick to return home a while on
vacation. Meanwhile, a third 15-minute broadcast will be scheduled
over all Europe, for Herman L. Hoeh to speak in the German
language. Mr. Smith, who speaks Spanish and has a fine radio
voice, probably will start broadcasting to Europe and to all South
and Central America in the Spanish language.
Other broadcasts to other parts of the world in other
languages will follow. While in New York making final arrangements
for the broadcast to Europe, I had lunch with radio station
representatives who are agents for stations in India, Pakistan,
South Africa, Australia, and other parts of the world. As soon as
our work expands to the place where we are ready for it, and we
have men trained in fluently speaking still other languages, they
will arrange for "The WORLD TOMORROW" to be broadcast in all those
countries. I have already made tentative arrangements with a