Analyses Today's News, with the
Box 111, Pasadena, California
The P L A I N T R U T H
Dec. 18th, 1952
Dear Co-Workers:
Here's the BEST NEWS in years!
We're on the air OVER ALL EUROPE! At last! This Gospel
of the Kingdom of God IS now starting to go out with a tremendous
LOUD VOICE to all the world for a witness to ALL NATIONS, just as
Jesus foretold (Mat. 24:14). Now, in addition to the nations of
North America, it is going to Britain and all the nations of
Europe, and even of North Africa!
This is not our doingÄÄÄit's GOD'S! It ought to sober
usÄÄwith a very grave sense of humility and gratitude that God has
chosen us to be His instruments in carrying out what He had long
before determined.
Jesus said He would do it! In less than a hundred years
after He brought God's GOOD NEWS and taught it to His disciples,
men perverted His true Gospel, turned the Truth into a lie, buried
it under an avalanche of pagan fable and superstition which they
falsely labeled "Christianity." For 1800 years the world has been
DECEIVED, led into false pagan teachings supposing this to be the
Gospel of Christ.
But Jesus knew what would happen. He foretold it. He
said, "Many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many."
He inspired Paul to write, "they shall turn away their ears from
the TRUTH, and shall be turned into fables." But Jesus, explaining
to His disciples WHEN this world would come to its END, and WHEN He
should return in Person and in Power and Glory to set up the
Kingdom of God to RULE THE WORLD, also said: "This GOSPEL OF THE
KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto ALL
NATIONS, and then shall the END (of this age) come." (Mat. 24:14).
Notice it !
Just before His Second ComingÄÄjust before the END of
this worldÄÄÄthe very same Gospel He brought from God and taught
His disciples was to be preached in all the world to ALL NATIONS
ÄÄas a witness. But before this, (Mat. 24:4-5 and II Thes. 2:2-3),
the great deception and falling away from the Truth was to come.
It has happened just as Jesus said. The world is
deceivedÄÄspiritually drunk on counterfeit teachings and customs.
The world won't receive the truthÄÄbut some precious souls here and