That Gospel He commissioned HIS ministers to proclaim to
the world. But He foresaw, and many other prophecies foretold,
that apostasy and deception would replace His truth and deceive
the world until this very "time of the end." Then, AT THIS TIME,
which fulfillment has revealed to be this mid-twentieth century,
A.D., Jesus said His true Gospel of the Kingdom shall go out
powerfully to ALL THE WORLD, for a witness unto ALL NATIONS.
A third of the Bible, approximately, is prophecy. About
90% of prophecy applies, directly or indirectly, to THIS END-TIME
IN WHICH WE LIVE. The central theme and burden of these prophecies
is a DESTRUCTION, by invasion, destruction of our CITIES (which
only atomic power could accomplish), captivity and enslavement of
the peoples of the United States, British commonwealth, and the
democracies of north-western Europe. As Daniel's prophecy (12th
chapter) discloses, these prophecies were mostly closed up and
sealed to human understanding UNTIL this very mid-twentieth century
TIME OF THE END--the time of universal and rapid transportation--of
the increase and diffusion of knowledge. Today the long-hidden
meaning of these vital prophecies is revealed to spiritual "babes"
but still and forever hidden from the carnally "wise and prudent."
It cannot be grasped nor used by any of the organized denominations
who DARE NOT admit the error in their traditional doctrines, or
change them or add to them the light of this end-time revelation.
For the purpose of carrying this warning to our nations--
and of carrying this true GOSPEL of the KINGDOM to all the world,
the Almighty has raised up this present work. It's fruits are
ample evidence of that. It is the most important mission and cause
in this world today. The governments of the world soon are to be
overthrown, destroyed, and REPLACED by the divine government of God
under Jesus Christ returned to this earth IN PERSON, and we are the
called ADVANCE-AGENTS, if you please, of that world-Kingdom--the
But more and more experience shows that no man alone could
carry on this tremendous responsibility. God has always provided
all His called servants with adequate help and assistance from
others. It is YOUR personal responsibility, too. It is YOUR
personal CALLING, as well as mine. YOU shall be required to stand
before the judgment seat of Christ, upon His return to earth as
King of kings, as well as I. YOU shall then be called upon to GIVE
ACCOUNT of whether you shirked this calling and responsibility, or
whether you DID YOUR BEST--the same as I. We are co-workers
TOGETHER, and God is no respecter of persons.
Yes, the time is here to stop and TAKE INVENTORY--for each
of us to search down deeply into his own heart, and ask himself
candidly, "Am I really doing all I can--am I putting THE KINGDOM
OF GOD and His righteousness FIRST in my life and interest and
thoughts, or are material interests crowding it out of my heart?"
Are YOU, personally, making your calling and election SURE? Will
Christ say to YOU, when He comes--and it will be SOON--"Well done,
thou good and faithful servant?"