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OUR Co-Workers'
Published every little while, to keep our Co-
Workers informed of the progress, the problems
and future plans for carrying on God's work in
these closing days of this age; ---broadcasting
"The WORLD TOMORROW;" publishing The PLAIN
TRUTH, and other Gospel literature. HERBERT W.
ARMSTRONG, Box 111, Eugene, Ore.
August 4, 1947
Dear Co-Workers in Christ:
GREETINGS! in Jesus' name: Again it is time I report to you
the progress of God's precious work, as time races on in this
chaotic "TIME OF THE END" to the very END OF THIS AGE.
This has been, perhaps, the most hectic month in the history
of this great work. As time grows short, the work comes to the
CROSS-ROADS. It is now in its greatest crisis. We face grave
decisions that will set the future course of God's great cause
during its remaining years--perhaps have potent bearing unrealized
now on the future and welfare of this nation and much of the world!
But listen! Do you, yourself, really REALIZE the time in
which we live? Never was the world like it is today. Something
happened in 1914 that has completely CHANGED this world. Today it
is in CHAOS, bankrupt, completely upset, even its leaders
bewildered and helpless, staring atomic war and worse in the face,
--the utter extinction of human life from this earth! This world
is not like it was. NOTHING is the same, since going thru two
world wars. World revolution is sweeping the earth. We are
witnessing the colossal DESTRUCTION of civilization as men have
What is YOUR PART, and mine, in this supreme crisis of the
age? It's time we stopped to take stock--to check up--to take
inventory, and see where we stand, and what it means to US!
1900 years ago the Creator sent into this world His Son,
bearing the most vital Message ever given to mankind. That
Messenger, Jesus Christ, foretold these present days. He knew
WHAT'S WRONG with the world. This world is simply not living
right! It's in the grip of a society based on the spirit of
competition, greed, vanity, ORGANIZED by MEN. The Great Teacher
foresaw where it would lead--straight to this chaos in the "time
of the end,"--a time He prophetically described as "distress of
nation, with perplexity; men's hearts failing them for fear, and
for looking after those things coming on the earth." HIS MESSAGE
was the GOOD NEWS (Gospel) of a world-government to be set up by
the Eternal Creator, with He Himself as King of Kings, to rule
ALL NATIONS, destroy and take over ALL GOVERNMENTS, and bring
right ways, peace, prosperity, and happiness at last to all. That
GOOD NEWS was His GOSPEL--the only real and true Gospel of Jesus