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that is leading thousands to Christ and His Kingdom? Thousands are
being CHANGED by this work---brought to Christ---being told of
their sins, and turning FROM their sins---thousands of precious
souls saved for all eternity. Must it STOP---or SHALL IT GO ON?
Some of you could invest many thousands of dollars in these
precious souls, and lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, if
you'd permit God to get hold of your hearts and your bank accounts.
But remember, you who have only the widow's mite to give---ONE
DOLLAR reaches two thousand precious people with God's Message! No
amount is too small---every dollar will help now---but TRY to
double your usual amount if you can. Now, every one of you, PLEASE
PRAY EARNESTLY that God will lay this on the hearts of those who
are able. And put a 5 cent air-mail stamp on the enclosed reply-
envelope and mail it IMMEDIATELY, won't you?
God bless you all---I know you won't fail me.
With love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
P.S. We have 1,000 of the photographs on hand, and more that 2,000
requests for them so far. Some, unfortunately, will have to wait
until funds permit us to order another thousand. When we assembled
together the letters Mrs. Armstrong and I wrote our children while
abroad, we found they make up a sizeable volume. There are 23
letters, some quite long. But they describe such interesting
things, we decided to print them all in a special booklet that may
run to 60 pages or more---profusely illustrated with 15 pages of
pictures I took with my camera, including the hurricane in mid-
Atlantic. It is taking much longer to print this than expected,
but if you'll be patient, I believe you'll be more than rewarded,
and find this special gift-booklet more interesting than you