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Some of you dear co-workers are so VERY FAITHFUL--GOD BLESS
YOU!--and without you this mighty work of God could not have
continued to now. But also, on the other hand, MANY OF YOU who
will read this Bulletin have been letting down--NEGLECTING this so
great salvation which we must carry to the millions of others, as
well as work out in ourselves. Too many of you let the faithful
FEW take these messages to heart and carry the whole burden at too
great sacrifice, while you let down and do little or nothing. And
to those of you guilty of this neglect, for your own sake, I plead
in the name of Jesus Christ, DON'T let this negligence drop you by
the wayside, to be cast aside by the soon-coming Master as an
unprofitable servant! HAPPY is he who heeds this message, and does
HIS FULL PART in this unselfish work of carrying GOOD TO OTHERS!
The ONLY true happiness comes from DOING GOOD to OTHERS, and that
is the purpose for which God raised up this work. Those few who
try to excuse their neglect by fault-finding and criticism will
never find true peace and happiness in so doing. And so, let every
one of you in this solemn crisis hour EXAMINE HIMSELF, and
CONSECRATE and DEDICATE HIMSELF ANEW to the glorious work and cause
of Christ! It's not yet too late, but time is fast running out on
Jesus did not commission His true called ministers to stay
in some one small neighborhood--but "Go ye," He said, "into ALL THE
WORLD, and preach the Gospel to every creature." To ALL NATIONS is
the divine commission!
In the Spring of 1946 God revealed to me the need of a
college as the only means of providing the trained and qualified
assistance soon to be needed in carrying this great Message of
Jesus Christ into ALL NATIONS. Yet no man can choose for himself
the active ministry as a life vocation, and probably none who do
really serve the true Christ. Christ Himself always did, and does
now, select HIMSELF, those HE has chosen for His work, and CALL
them by special spiritual call to His work. Consequently this
college cannot be a ministerial college--it MUST be a general
LIBERAL ARTS college, educating and preparing young men and women
for ALL walks of life and proper occupations and professions. But
God, I know, is able to cause those few HE has chosen for His work
to BE AMONG THESE STUDENTS. Jesus told us how we shall recognize
them--"BY THEIR FRUITS." But that takes time, and a testing by
EXPERIENCE. Consequently AMBASSADOR COLLEGE has been planned to
fit young men and women for whatever occupation in life they them-
selves may choose, giving practical and technical instruction to
all--and AT THE SAME TIME the course is so designed that if and
when we see, BY THEIR FRUITS, and by having known them over a
period of some four years, some one out of twenty, or out of forty
or a hundred, has been truly CALLED of God to the true ministry of
Jesus Christ, and then that ONE shall have been adequately and
properly TRAINED for this very mission! And in the meantime we
shall have established on earth a college patterned after GOD'S
TRUTH, and rendered to all other students a most wonderful
Ambassador College is VITAL to the future of God's work!
When it seemed necessary, last Fall, to postpone the establishment
of the college at least two more years, God performed a miracle and