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The United States now has three huge aircraft carrier naval ships in the
Persian Gulf,
besides other naval ships--and more could be sent there quickly.
But the Russians--as I've said--are like a huge lumbering BEAR. Once they
put their foot
down in an invaded country, they will not remove it unless superior military
force drives them
back! They don't want to fight! That is, not against an equal or superior force.
The U.S.
naval might in the Persian Gulf--IF they believe President Carter is not
bluffing--will not
drive them back out of Afghanistan. Put this down in your mind--the Russians are
in Afghanistan
to STAY!
If they think they dare, they might go on through Afghanistan. And they
might delay
doing even that for several months. Like a massive BEAR, they move slowly. They
do not move in
"blitzkrieg" speed.
Meanwhile they are calling up reserves to their army and other military
forces. And they
are massing heavy military forces, poised to invade Yugoslavia, and also in East
threatening EUROPE!
The Soviet Union will finish its job in Afghanistan and make themselves
secure there
against the Moslem Kurds. They don't have to hurry. Their strategy plan to
conquer and rule
the whole world with Communism--to STAMP OUT ALL RELlGlON--does not have an
immediate time
limit on it. They haven't planned to accomplish that ultimate objective within
the time of
a single generation. They are in no hurry. They move slowly--ponderously--but
they keep
moving and they do not plan to lose ground.
The Kremlin Masters do NOT want a nuclear war with the United States. But
they know the
U.S. has been weak and vascillating. As God has foretold, we have LOST THE PRIDE
--or rather, God said "I will break the pride of your power"--and He has done
that! America
HAS THE POWER! But America is AFRAID to USE IT--and the Kremlin bosses KNOW THAT
better than
our politicians in Washington!
It is now after midnight, and before retiring I come back to the
typewriter. Just before