midnight, on an ABC Network special News Report following the President's State
of the Union
Address tonight, an ABC Network news commentator had, by satellite, a Soviet
Union TV news
commentator in conversation, showing the Russian commentator as if he were in
the same TV
studio with the ABC man in New York. It was tomorrow morning in Moscow.
The ABC speaker asked the Soviet speaker if he thought the cancellation of
the Olympic
games would punish the Soviet Union.
"Sir!" answered the Russian sharply, in angered pride, "Nobody--NO NATION-
-punishes the
Soviet Union! No nation has that power!"
He was indignant. He showed the Russians have PRIDE in their power! But
because our
nation has transgressed God's Laws--violated His trust--God has BROKEN the pride
of U.S.
power! The U.S. no longer has pride in it, and is afraid to use it! God is
starting to PUNISH
America for her transgressions of GOD'S WAY!
Now, what about the grain embargo, and the threat to withdraw from the
Olympic games?
The leaders in the Kremlin anticipated all that. To them it was a calculated
risk! What they
have done and are doing, they considered as WORTH IT! These things--all the
United Nations
resolutions against them--that all is considered part of the price the Russians
have to pay.
But, meanwhile, since President Carter has told the world it will mean
the Russians invade the Persian Gulf and thereby control the INDIAN OCEAN, they
will simply
SLOW DOWN SHORT OF THAT FOR THE TIME! They can bide their time and WAIT!
Meanwhile they will
THREATEN EUROPE--but, for now, ONLY threaten. But heads of government in Europe
don't know
that! As the Russians mass more troops and other military hardware closer to
West European
borders, and as the United States vascillates, European leaders will become more
and more
frightened--and they are frightened against this Russian threat already!
Vice Chairman Tan Zehn-Lin--one of three top leaders of the Communist
People's Republic
of China--told me with emphasis that the Russians do plan to invade and take
over Western
Europe, and even urged me to warn western European leaders of this. Then I told
the Vice
Chairman what he didn't know--saying before I told him that he would not believe
it (which he