Herbert W. Armstrong Post Office Box431, Tucson, Arizona 85702
January 23, 1980
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:
Suddenly we are in a different world! We are 23 days into the NEW DECADE
OF THE 80s!
This decade was born in TURMOIL! Suddenly it's a different world! To use a
modern slang
expression, "it's A WHOLE NEW BALL GAME!"
The Russian military march through Afghanistan poses a threat to the
world--to HUMAN
SURVIVAL--even greater than World War II! Humanity survived alive through World
War II! This
Russian military invasion threatens a NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III that could blast all
human lives
--including yours and mine--off this planet!
Actually--thanks to God and His foretime prophecies, humanity will
survive--and a new
world of PEACE, HAPPINESS and JOY will follow! Yes, THANKS to that END-time
Message that your
tithes and offerings are making possible to THUNDER to a sick and dying world!
Yes, YOU are directly involved! It's time and already past time for you
and me to WAKE
UP to conditions as they are--and WHAT'S NOW COMING on the world.
The NEW DECADE also was born in a REAL UPSURGE in the Work of the living
God, which you
and I are engaged in--and I have very inspiring news to tell you about that in
this letter.
President Carter's State of the Union Address tonight to the entire
Congress and to the
nation (and to the Kremlin) warned the Soviet Union to keep hands off driving
south to the
Persian Gulf, or the United States will USE MILITARY FORCE! The U.S. government
regards any
Russian military and naval drive into the Persian Gulf as an act jeopardizing
U.S. national
security and an act of WAR! And that would mean NUCLEAR WAR that could erase all
human lives
off this earth! That's the first threat of ACTION by FORCE that the President
has used since
we entered the crisis of the hostages in Iran!
Those who know Communist goals and procedures, and the philosophy behind
them, know that
NOTHING short of equal or stronger military FORCE will now turn the Russians
back. They are in
Afghanistan to STAY!