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our little group of brethren in the Lord in Eugene. They were
unanimously in favor of proceeding with the deal, if it works out
as now indicated. Then I sent a special letter, presenting the
matter and asking advice, to 1,000 of you co-workers, picked at
random from our lists. I think only two of these advised against
it, for reasons I will explain---but all others either were
enthusiastically in favor of it, or, in the case of a few, felt
God would lead me, and I would be better in position to decide then
they, expressing confidence that whichever God led me to see would
be right.
One or two felt it would be inadvisable because TIME IS
TOO SHORT! But that, dear brethren and co-workers, IS EXACTLY THE
That, I feel certain, is the VERY REASON God has so
quickly, suddenly, opened this opportunity to us! TIME IS SHORT!
There's no time to lose! The true Gospel must go to ALL NATIONS,
in DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, and there isn't much time in which this
may be accomplished!
True, many denominations have sent missionaries into many
preached, was the Gospel or Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD! (Mark
1:14-15). Have the missionaries gone preaching to the heathen the
GOOD NEWS that Christ is coming in all the power and glory of God,
as KING of kings, and LORD of lords, to set up the world-ruling
government, the KINGDOM OF GOD which will rule all nations, and
bring peace to the earth, and salvation to those of all nations?
Have they gone teaching that this glorious Kingdom will rule all
nations ONE THOUSAND YEARS here on the earth?---and that those now
converted, who grow in grace and knowledge, and OVERCOME, shall
REIGN over the nations, with Christ, as kings and priests in the
Kingdom of God? Do you know ANYONE---ANY church or denomination
---that has taken THIS one and only true Gospel of Jesus Christ to
all the world? No, for it has not yet gone out! AND TIME IS
Brethren and Co-Workers, the VERY FACT God has moved SO
SWIFTLY---so MIRACULOUSLY to place these amazing facilities in our
hands NOW, without any further delay, is in itself evidence that
THERE IS NOT TIME to delay getting these vital steps in His work
operating and moving!
There IS a time to learn to GO SLOW, and WAIT ON GOD. But
also, there is a time to DELAY NO LONGER! And God Himself has
shown us by miracles and wonders that WE HAVE REACHED THAT TIME!
Once again, I am writing you as I ride on the train. It
is late, as I write---nearly midnight---but I must not sleep until
this is finished. A few days ago I received a long-distance
telephone call. This European opportunity has come to a head and
developed to a point where I had to GO IMMEDIATELY to Switzerland
to inspect it, have it appraised, and make a decision, or lose the
opportunity. After the advice of hard-headed, practical,
conservative bankers, lawyers and business men and educators---