learn to speak foreign languages fluently, and AS they speak them
in their native country, is IN the country where they are spoken.
Now it so happens that tiny little Switzerland is in the
center of western Europe, surrounded by many nations speaking many
languages. Consequently, nearly everyone in Switzerland speaks
three to five languages. School children in Switzerland are taught
several languages from childhood, just as American children are
taught reading, writing, and arithmetic! SWITZERLAND, then, is the
place to go to speak the largest number of foreign languages! One
can learn more there in this field in six weeks than he could in
six years in an American college! Not only that, the students we
train, to be fitted and prepared for their most sober and ALL-
IMPORTANT MISSION, need the EXPERIENCE of travel in Europe. This
is vital for GOD'S WORK.
And, as I said, TIME IS SHORT, and swiftly growing
shorter! MUCH must be done, and there's little time in which to do
it! ALREADY we see emerging in Europe the preliminary movement
that will bring "THE BEAST" out of the "bottomless pit" in Europe!
It may come to a head in six or seven years---in all probability
before fifteen or twenty!
And now, almost immediately on the heels of opening to us
so suddenly the opportunity to establish AMBASSADOR COLLEGE in
Pasadena, God has opened before us still another breath-taking
opportunity almost too fantastic to believe!
Yet it is not fantastic, nor impractical, but the most
PRACTICAL, SENSIBLE, and NEEDFUL thing for God's work at this
time! Suddenly, "out of a clear sky," has come a chain of almost
unbelievable circumstances whereby a most lovely and adequate
place may come into our hands to provide a EUROPEAN UNIT for
AMBASSADOR COLLEGE, on beautiful scenic Lake Lugano, in southern
Switzerland! It is, in fact, a very fine and splendid place---an
exact replica of the smaller of the three buildings that constitute
Versailles Palace, where the World War I Peace Treaty was signed
---and almost new---built just shortly before World War II, some
nine years ago!
Yet, if this offer is finally confirmed, this splendid
property will come to AMBASSADOR COLLEGE at a ridiculous low
figure, and at terms unimaginable for such a place; possible for
us to handle!
I have consulted conservative bankers, lawyers, judges,
educators. Unanimously they advise me to go ahead---declare it is
a sound, sensible, most practical idea, and then, at the deal and
the terms, they shake their heads in frank bewilderment, and say
there surely must be a GOD who is working things out for us, for
things like these---both the Pasadena opening and this one at
Lugano in Switzerland---just don't happen!
I presented this whole proposition in detail before all