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after the advice of so many brethren and co-workers---and with my
own personal conviction that this definitely IS of God---I simply
dare not drop it without inspecting it, getting all the facts I
have so far not been able to obtain, and then making an intelligent
decision, after much prayer for God's guidance. As a result, Mrs.
Armstrong and I are tonight speeding across Ohio and will arrive
tomorrow morning in Washington, where we hope to obtain quick and
emergency passports from the State Department, and we are
tentatively booked for sailing for Europe within just a few days.
For over a year I had been planning a trip to inspect and
learn of conditions in Europe first-hand, to report to our vast
radio audience, anyway. Further, I need to confirm personally,
ON THE GROUND, this emerging in Europe of the "BEAST" from the
seed we saw planted in San Francisco! I'm sure I'll have some
thrilling and interesting things to report to you, in the broad-
casts, and in the PLAIN TRUTH, when we return. We shall not be
gone long---just a quick trip, and right back as soon as our
mission is finished. At first I planned to go alone. But I have
never made any important decision without the advice and counsel
of my wife, who, as you all know, is heart and soul with me in
God's work, and God has used her many times to see things He
wanted me to see, which I seemed unable to see alone. In multitude
of counsellors there is safety---so says God's Word. I have sought
a multitude of counsel, but I need some over in Switzerland, on the
spot, and so we decided Mrs. Armstrong should go---IF we can secure
passage for her, which still is in doubt.
In the next number of The PLAIN TRUTH I hope to have for
you the most sensational, startling revelations ever published---
all the FACTS about what we saw at San Francisco, and what is now
emerging from underground in EUROPE. I won't be able to broadcast
such an exposure of a plot to rule the world over the air. But I
hope to get the remaining facts I need for that article on this
trip---and also some inside information on the Palestine situation,
now boiling all over the front pages, from contacts in the British
Foreign office in London. I made a few valuable contacts at San
Francisco, which I feel will be of help.
Now, brethren and co-workers, in conclusion, let me again
impress upon you the TREMENDOUS IMPORTANCE and URGENCY of the work.
God is literally performing miracles and wonders in our behalf. We
are merely following where He leads! And the time has come when
this work must take TREMENDOUS strides AHEAD! A MIGHTY work
remains to be done. It all takes more and more money! The need
grows greater and greater.
Yet our God is able to SUPPLY EVERY NEED, no matter how
great! He supplies it thru those He can use for this purpose. God
is able to bless all you dear Co-Workers with enough so, if you are
faithful with HIS TITHE of your income, and generous with offerings
greater and greater, until the tremendous mission is accomplished!
God does not expect you to give what you have not got. But He is
able to provide you with enough to give for His cause, and it
should be given cheerfully, generously. Of those who are able to
give much, God expects much, and large, generous sums are now