But we as nations have turned from the God who so richly
blessed us. And He is now withdrawing the blessings.
The United States has now won its LAST WAR! We were defeated
humiliatingly in South Vietnam by little North Vietnam. We have
the power, but WE ARE AFRAID TO USE IT! Our high standard of
living is starting DOWNWARD. Our defeat in South Vietnam, and our
Watergate scandal--followed by the CIA scandal--have greatly
weakened the respect other nations had for us.
Europeans had relied on the United States for protection
against Russia. They are fast losing confidence in that reliance.
Soon they will unite POLITICALLY and MILITARILY in a gigantic
United States of EUROPE--a resurrection of the once powerful "Holy
Roman Empire." And it will be a threat that could DESTROY the
United States and Britain.
Already the once proud British Empire has crumbled. They were
PROUD of their power--a PROUD people. They are no longer a major
Now, other prophecies reveal, the United States and the
British peoples are to be visited soon by such extreme drouth and
famine that disease epidemics following in their wake will take
millions of lives--up to one-third of our populations! When the
heaven above us is as iron, and the earth as brass (Leviticus
26:19), our nations will realize that needed rain does not come
from iron above, and an earth like brass does not soak up rain nor
grow crops.
"And," continues the prophecy, "your strength shall be spent
in vain: for your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall
the trees of the land yield their fruits" (Lev. 26:20).
But continue the prophecy: "And [after this] if ye walk
contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven
times more plagues upon you according to your sins....And I will
bring a sword upon you...."--INVASION--NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION!
(Lev. 26:21,25).
Unless these nations do turn to our God, and to HIS RIGHTEOUS
WAYS OF LIFE, this and other prophecies warn of another third of
our people being destroyed by military invasion--our CITIES shall
be destroyed--undoubtedly NUCLEAR holocaust!!--and-CAPTIVITY AS
But UNDERSTAND THIS! With God, punishment is CORRECTION for
our GOOD--not revenge! Prophecy shows OUR PEOPLE IN CAPTIVITY AND
SLAVERY at the time of Christ's coming!
BUT--THEN will come DELIVERANCE, at Christ's coming!--and
WORLD PEACE--with OUR PEOPLES elevated to once again become the
HEAD--in greater prosperity and blessings than ever before--and
with our peoples turning to--and receiving--SPIRITUAL SALVATION