WHY have those who profess to base their religion on the
BIBLE never WARNED our people of these plain and clear PROPHECIES??
I have been commissioned by the living GOD to get out this
WARNING to our peoples--as well as to take Christ's last MESSAGE
to Gentile nations for a warning to ALL NATIONS! Sure I get
persecuted for it. Sure, I've had to make unrealized personal
SACRIFICES for it--but SOMEBODY has to have the courage to DO IT,
and the living Christ has called and chosen me.
YOU NEED to carefully read and weigh the free booklet, The
United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy. It will fill
you in with all the details.
And I NEED, urgently, the help of all our Co-Workers to get
this herculean Commission ACCOMPLISHED! I well know it is, truly,
"Mission Impossible" ACCOMPLISHED! But our great God continues to
bless me with youth, strength, dynamic energy and vitality. And I
know, that with YOUR PRAYERS and help back of me, it will be
With deep love, in Jesus's name,
Herbert W. Armstrong