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whose God is the Lord....We have been the recipients of the choicest
blessings of heaven. We have been preserved, these many years,
in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth, and
power as no other nation ever has grown, but we have forgotten
God! We have forgotten the gracious Hand which preserved us in
peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we
have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all
these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue
of our own."
The living God gave us this vast unprecedented prosperity.
Lincoln saw a nation that had forgotten God--a nation drunk
with a success not due to its own efforts--a nation taking all the
credit and glory to itself. This great president called for a day
of fasting and prayer to confess the national sins before God.
The fate of the nation was then hanging in the balance. God heard
and answered--the nation was saved.
But today the threat is a thousand times greater. And today
there is no national leader with the UNDERSTANDING, the courage
and faith to bring our nations to their knees for our deliverance.
What have we done with these multitudes of national and
individual blessings which actually were the gift of the living God?
God did NOT promise to continue the blessings if we rebelled. We
have been rebellious and unwilling to yield to our God, and HIS
WAYS which would have guaranteed lasting peace and prosperity.
We have become arrogant and selfish. We have polluted the fertile
lands the living God GAVE US. We have polluted the air, the
rivers, lakes, and oceans. We have polluted our own minds and
those of our children--teaching the anti-God fable of evolution.
We have given public acceptance to the misnamed "new morality"
which is gross IMmorality! We have given public acceptance to
homosexuality, premarital sex, perversion. We have polluted the
sacred institution of marriage--and through a constantly
increasing divorce rate--started on a course of destroying the
home and family relationship--the foundation of any stable society.
We have filled our lands with crime--with corruption in high
places--with violence.
Speaking of this very condition and time, God says in the
prophecy of Leviticus 26, "...I will break the pride of your
Fifty years ago we had less power, but we had PRIDE in our
power. When a German battleship was steaming toward Manila Bay,
President Theodore Roosevelt sent a strong note to Kaiser Wilhelm
demanding the immediate withdrawal of the battleship. When the
Kaiser ignored the demand, "Teddy" sent another note. Only, as I
myself heard him say, he did not send this note to the Kaiser. He
sent it to Admiral Dewey, in command of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
It instructed Dewey to steam with the whole fleet full speed toward
the German battleship--to fire one warning shot over her mast, and
if she did not thereupon turn around, the note instructed, "SINK
HER." Roosevelt said, "The Kaiser learned that I MEANT IT!"