But this is only a partial explanation of what sky-rocketed
the United States up to the highest per capita income--the highest
living standard of any nation in the history of mankind. And it
also is only a partial explanation of the present down-turn of
that affluent living standard.
A major cause lies in much deeper roots and involves a
history of upwards of 3,000 years. Actually, what is now
happening--this sudden downward-trend in American prosperity
--the accelerating trend worldwide of increasing violence, wars,
overthrow of governments of nations at the rate of one a month--and
world evils in general--is the beginning of a staggering climax
of world trouble such as never occurred before.
World leaders do not realize what's coming. They are almost
totally unaware. They have been falsely educated into closing
their minds to the CAUSES of great world events. They have been
educated to ignore causes and deal with effects.
The world's best minds are in ignorance of the unprecedented
cataclysm that is about to strike. It's laid out in advance for
thousands of years in prophecy. But the prophecies have not been
understood or believed because the vital KEY that could unlock
prophecies has been LOST!
That key is the identity of the United States and the British
nations in biblical prophecies. It's all explained in our free
booklet, The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy.
This booklet shows that it was prophesied long ago that,
beginning 1800-1803, the United States and Britain would suddenly
spring to the greatest wealth and power ever attained by any
nation. God had promised that.
That happened!
These nations reached the zenith of world power and wealth
by the year 1950. The most amazing fact of world history is the
sudden sky-rocketing of two nations--the United States and
Britain--to unprecedented wealth and power. The British and
Americans came into possession of more than two-thirds--almost
three-fourths--of the cultivated wealth and resources of the
WHOLE WORLD! All other nations combined shared between them less
than a third!
What CAUSED this unequaled surge to wealth and power?
Abraham Lincoln answered: "We find ourselves in the peaceful
possession of the fairest portion of the earth, as regards fertility
of soil, extent of territory, and salubrity of climate....We...
find ourselves the legal inheritors of these fundamental blessings.
We toiled not in their acquisition or the establishment of them."
Again Lincoln said, "It is the duty of nations, as well as of
men, to owe their dependence upon the over-ruling power of God...
and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures
and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed