Letters coming in daily show a growing interest in the
purchase and operation of a super-power radio station of our own,
to be located just south of the border, in Mexico, and as near
the middle of the North American continent, east and west, as
Many questions are being asked. In due time a complete
prospectus will be prepared, available for mailing to all our Co-
Workers who are interested in having a part in his great cause.
I had intended to quote from many of the letters coming
in, and answer many of the questions being asked, in this BULLETIN.
But I see space forbids. I will try to send you another BULLETIN,
if possible, within the next two weeks or so, quoting from those
letters, answering many questions.
The Immediate Job to be Done NOW!
However, even though interest is increasing, and the move
for the purchase of the most powerful radio voice, possible, in the
whole world, is gaining momentum, there is a PRESENT TASK
immediately before us, preparatory to this larger undertaking to
follow, and to the job of this hour we must turn our undivided
attention and wholehearted efforts now.
So, the ZERO-HOUR is HERE! This great winter campaign is
NOW STARTING---probably will be actually ON THE AIR, every night,
by the time this BULLETIN reaches you!
It will multiply the power of GOOD of this great work
five to ten times over! But, it will multiply the expenses of the
work at least THREE TIMES, within the next few weeks! And that,
dear Co-Workers, is YOUR responsibility. I must call on you now to
respond with liberal tithes and offerings as you never have before.
The PLAIN TRUTH will be rolling off the press now very
soon. I'm fit and ready now, and war-time delays are partially if
not yet altogether in the past. The PLAIN TRUTH will be coming out
more often, and, I hope, within just another two or three months,
regularly at least every two months, and soon EVERY MONTH! If
possible, I hope to have the wonderful new BIBLE STUDY COURSE
actually started before this winter campaign of every-night broad-
casting is over. Yes, we have an ambitious campaign planned---and
Never did this world face such an awesome, threatening,
fore-boding situation as now. Statesmen are frankly bewildered---
and, whether they admit it or not publicly, FRIGHTENED!
There is but ONE WAY, now, to world peace---to prevent
annihilation of humanity by the horribly-destructive atomic power
and frightful new weapons for using it! WE KNOW THAT WAY! It must
be shouted, yes T H U N D E R E D, with a tremendous power only GOD
can impart, over these super-power facilities and the printing
press, to the nation, and the world!