We must do it WHILE WE MAY! Let me remind you again, the
NIGHT is coming, when no man can work! Soon will come the FAMINE
of hearing God's Word preached. It's OUR RESPONSIBILITY---N O W!
Co-Workers, I have to appeal to you now---this greatly-multiplied
program is NOW GOING OUT---we need the widow's mites IN LARGE
NUMBER now as never before---from many who may not be able to send
in more, and have sent nothing for some time! We need, and MUST
have, in addition, larger offerings from all who possibly can, from
one, on up to several hundred dollars. And if ever there was a
time when GOD'S WORK needs one or two of you who are able to make
a real sacrifice and place into His active work special gifts of
one or several thousand dollars, that time is NOW!
I have given MY ALL! I am putting into it MY VERY BEST!
The REST, dear friends, God must supply THRU YOU! The fate of this
work depends upon the response of this urgent appeal! I rest it
FREE, on request: Special booklets and mimeographed
articles: "The PLAIN TRUTH About CHRISTMAS!" Where did it come
from? What does the Bible say about it? After the birth of the
Christ-Child (not on the day of His birth) the wise men presented
to Him GIFTS---not to inaugurate a NEW CUSTOM of exchanging gifts,
but in conformity of an age-old custom of always bringing a present
whenever ushered into he presence of a KING. They did not exchange
gifts among themselves. They presented their gifts to CHRIST!
Today, without thinking, people have fallen into the habit of
trading gifts back and forth among themselves, while the month of
December is the one month when they seem to give less to CHRIST
than any other! This year, WHY NOT HONOR HIM, BY THE LARGEST GIFT
Other articles: "The PALESTINE Issue." "The THREAT to
World Peace." "PREDESTINATION." " The MILLENNIUM---in Heaven, or
on Earth?" etc.
* * * * * *
RADIO LOG: Entire Pacific Coast: XERB, 1090 on dial, 6:30 PM
Sundays. Pacific Northwest: KVI, Seattle-Tacoma, 570 on dial, 9:30
AM, Sundays. KXL, Portland, 750 on dial, 6:30 AM; KVAN,
Vancouver-Portland, 910 on dial, 10 AM. Southern California, KMTR,
Hollywood, 570 on dial, 9:30 AM. Middle-West, Mexico to Canada,
XEG, 150 on dial, 8 PM, Sunday evenings, Central Standard time.
Mountain States and entire U.S. and Canada, XELO, 800 on dial, 8
PM, Mountain time.