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more deeply concerned about it, than most any of my listeners---and
incidently, perhaps I do ENJOY one of my own sermons or broadcasts
more than my audience---that is enjoy the TRUTHS actually flowing
from God's Word! But it expends much vital ENERGY! It requires
absolutely top physical condition.
It's this long and constant drain on physical and nervous
vitality, with lack of sufficient physical exercise, loss of sleep,
plus inability always to get proper food and diet when away from
home so much, that had enervated me and made necessary this period
of fasting, and rest at the beach.
The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit---not as a
reservoir, but a CHANNEL thru which God's Spirit flows. But an
enervated, worn-out, below-par body is never a fit temple for God's
Spirit. One is not qualified for a work such as this to which God
has called me, unless quickened---energized---by the very POWER of
God's Spirit. But the physical and mental must be at top
efficiency before this OUTSIDE current of power from God can flow
in, and thru, a human being. So I needed, vitally, this period of
fasting and prayer---for increased physical vitality, as well as
spiritual power.
Now I'm fit, revived, once again, and READY! I have been
revived, after such a regime before, but this time I have gone
farther and planned a definite schedule for myself which involves
ample physical exercise and fresh air, ample rest and sleep as I
go along. Instead of wearing down again, this time I should
constantly INCREASE in stamina and vitality for the work! The fact
of installing the private broadcast line right into my office in
Eugene will enable me to remain home most of the time, and adhere
to a definite daily routine. Yes, SIX broadcasts a week instead of
one, of the nature and type which go out on "The WORLD TOMORROW"
program, made necessary that I first be fit and ready, physically
and mentally as well as spiritually, for my part. I AM NOW FIT AND
Many of our good Co-Workers did not seem to understand.
Some have had the idea I was in bad health, perhaps something
chronically wrong. I hope these few words may correct that
erroneous impression. The above explains the sole debility I was
under. I have not been ill or sick in the usual sense of the term,
nor even in bad health in the usual sense of the word. Nothing
wrong of either a chronic or acute nature. I have a very strong
constitution, am almost never sick or ill. The temporary
staleness, tiredness, worn nerves, are now all restored, and I feel
I'm in top shape for the vigorous campaign now starting.
These past several months I have not been able to keep up
with personal correspondence, or even to complete the writing of
The PLAIN TRUTH. However, in order to keep good things going out
of our office to our listeners and Co-Workers, I have been
announcing regularly in the broadcasts, SPECIAL literature which
we have been printing and sending out from week to week, for all
who would write in a special request.