of that period to get this longer than usual BULLETIN printed and
mailed to you Co-Workers. We must work WHILE IT IS DAY!---while
there is STILL time and opportunity. God has mercifully granted
US the victory in World War II,---perhaps as much for the very
purpose of giving us this opportunity to proclaim HIS MESSAGE to
a lost and rapidly-dying world with such POWER as to shake this
nation and all our Israelitish people to ITS VERY FOUNDATIONS, as
for any other purpose. I know, from prophecy, our nation's LIFE
is at stake. Souls are at stake for ETERNITY!
This is now, dear Co-Workers, YOUR solemn responsibility
before GOD! As this BULLETIN goes out, I can only PRAY and trust
Him to lay the burden on each one. PRAY, and may God lead, guide,
and bless you!
* * * * * * * *
Brethren and Co-Workers, we have a wonderful program
already planned for this Fall and winter season. We at the office
are enthusiastic over the way things are shaping up.
Now the war is over, the printers tell me they are in
position to begin getting out The PLAIN TRUTH every month, just as
soon as I am personally in position to write the material that
often. But I will have to be frank and tell you the delay in
getting out the current issue, now at last actually going to press,
has been caused by my personal run-down condition as much as it was
due to war-time handicaps. Let me explain briefly. I have not
been ill or sick in the accepted sense. I have a fundamentally
sound and strong constitution. But, due to lack of sufficient
physical exercise, high nervous tension and loss of sleep, I had
gotten into a condition of personal inefficiency I simply didn't
realize. I had developed insomnia, I couldn't sleep. A Week of
fasting at the beach did wonders for me already. It wasn't enough.
The end of the war forced us to return to the office, but as soon
as I finish writing this, we plan to leave again this very
afternoon for the Coast, and I will get in two more weeks of
fasting, very special diet, and REST. This will end the insomnia,
clean out my system and blood-stream. Then, Upon returning, I have
a program all planned that will KEEP me in top physical and mental
shape---a program involving ample physical exercise, proper diet,
sufficient sleep. I am not attempting more than I can handle, but
I MUST have top personal efficiency to handle the job ahead.
The last week in September---September 22 to 29 inclusive
---we are holding our annual Fall Festival---the Feast of
Tabernacles. You'll read in Zech. 14 how we ALL will be forced,
under severe penalties, to do this AFTER JESUS COMES. Paul and the
New Testament Christians kept God's spiritual festivals---
Pentecost, Festival of Tabernacles, etc. We do it now. This year
we shall hold it at beautiful Belknap Springs, on the Mackenize,
out in the worship-inspiring Cascades, secluded from the world, 60
miles out of Eugene. If you'd like to come and join us in this
spiritual festival, write or wire at once for reservations.