upon the facts as I know them, that every dime of the original
investment could be retired within some two years or less---but
that is a matter for private explanation. As mentioned above, Dr.
Brinkley, with exactly the same power, did take a net profit of
$500,000 a year. I am not personally interested in any manner
whatsoever in establishing this as a commercial enterprise for the
purpose of making profits, however---but solely as a POWER FOR GOD,
and sending forth HIS MESSAGE with the LOUD VOICE His prophecies
say it is yet to go.
What I Ask YOU to Do
Now, dear Co-Workers for Christ, this is a most SOLEMN
and serious matter---and there is no time to lose. I ask each of
you, first, to go to a private place, get down on your knees before
God, and PRAY! Even FAST and Pray! Pray earnestly. Ask God, if
it is His will to place within our hands this tremendous power for
proclaiming His Message to the world, to lay the burden SO
DEFINITELY upon the hearts of those He chooses to use for supplying
such a large sum, that they will be unable to resist! Ask God,
please, to give ME wisdom and guidance, for I need it now as never
before. And ask Him to guide YOU, and to show you what He would
have YOU do about it.
Then after praying very earnestly and sincerely over it,
write me AT ONCE, and tell me how much you, yourself, will be able
to put into this great purpose, provided of course, (1st) after
hearing all the additional details about it you still approve it
and feel led to contribute this sum, and (2nd) enough money is
pledged BY OTHERS to make up, WITH YOURS, the total needed amount.
In that way, I will be able to know in a very few days WHETHER
enough others have responded to make this tremendous opportunity a
glorious REALITY, I can then notify you what OTHERS are able to do,
and if there is enough, each one can then send the money.
Now it IS vitally necessary that I know, BY RETURN AIR MAIL
---and a telegram or even long-distance telephone call is quicker
---what each one will be able to do, subject to the above two
conditions---in other words, whether it is going to be possible.
Many I have learned, would have been willing to have put in a
considerable sum for this very purpose when I wrote you of the
former possibilities, only they didn't know whether enough OTHERS
were responding to make up the total sum, and so they just did and
said nothing. Now I can let YOU know what all the others are able
to do ONLY if you let me know at once what YOU are able to do. So,
whether you can send only an extra dollar or two, or $100, or
$150,000, or even supply the entire amount yourself, LET ME KNOW
IMMEDIATELY, either by air-mail letter, by telegraph, or long-
distance telephone.
PRAY OVER THIS FIRST! Do not delay, please! And may God
bless and guide you in making your decisions as to YOUR part!
And join me in PRAYING EARNESTLY that God will guide, and move
upon, to lead us in this. It is really a TREMENDOUS MATTER! It
may mean the ETERNITY of countless precious souls. The money
required is SO TRIVIAL by comparison! Time is short. They will
give us only two or three weeks, and it may take the first week