rapidly, inexorably, toward "ARMAGEDDON! This new power for
destruction staggers the imagination by its magnitude! Christ
must now come soon to save humanity from destroying itself.
Yet if our minds can but grasp it, God Almighty has now
placed within our reach a "POWER FOR GOOD---for PEACE, for the
salvation of SOULS for eternity---of just as tremendous
magnitude, compared to all past Gospel campaigns, as the atomic
bomb is a power for destruction compared to past weapons used for
that purpose!
All I can say is, the opportunity has now been opened to
us, if we but grasp it, for serving God and humanity in the few
remaining chaotic years of this present evil world that is SO
GREAT---SO POWERFUL a means of spreading the GOSPEL and
proclaiming God's WARNING---that it is difficult for our minds
fully to grasp. And if Almighty God did not want us to take
advantage of it AT ANY SACRIFICE, and did not intend to guide us
and bless us in the undertaking, He never would have caused the
opportunity to come, now for a third time! And every visible
indication is, that this is the last POSSIBLE time.
There are many additional details I cannot enter into here.
Suffice it to say here, that in such an enterprise, if placed in my
hands, I believe in the policy of surrounding oneself with the most
experienced, able, and best qualified men of proven ability and
integrity, so far as actual management and operation of the station
is concerned. A thoroughly-experienced and able radio executive
would be placed in charge. As chief technical operator I already
have the man in mind---one who for years has been chief operator of
two key net-work stations in an important city, and whose sincerity
and trust-worthiness has been proven. Mexican dealing will be
handled thru and with the advice and assistance of men of long
experience in the field of super-power Mexican radio properties---
men who have personal standing and influence with government heads
in Mexico City. The many other details I shall be glad to enter
into privately with any and all seriously considering the matter of
making this great opportunity OURS.
I have sufficient faith in God to believe this BULLETIN
will be read by someone---perhaps only ONE---who has the ability,
if God makes the heart willing, to supply for this purpose a sum of
between one and two hundred thousand dollars. And perhaps one or
two others able to put in $35,000 to $50,000. I believe there will
be a few more who can manage to place at our disposal from $1,000
to $5,000. There are, I'm sure, still more who can, if willing,
find a way to contribute sums of $100, $250, or $500. And this
unprecedented great and glorious opportunity will be realized, I
know ONLY if each one who has ability to supply such sums does so,
to the very LIMIT of his ability. A very large portion of our dear
Co-Workers are poor people who are able to give only the "widow's
mite." To raise any such sum as a quarter million dollars means,
undoubtedly, that some one, or two, or three persons of large
ability must make this possible, or the opportunity God has opened
must fail. Let us pray as never before that any one, or small FEW,
of such ability will not fail our God in this crisis hour of
earth's history! I might mention that I have every faith, based