program on a 50,000-watt station so far away as WOAI, there would
be one to fifty people who would be STOPPED as they turn the dial,
and catch our program on this Mexican station going out at the
great power of 250,000-watts---FIVE TIMES the power of any United
HEMISPHERE! It would come in just like a local station EVERY-
WHERE---always strong, clear---no static, no fading. It would
give us at least TWENTY TIMES the listeners, at the same hour, as
a 50,000-watt United States station---or the equivalent of using
twenty super-power 50,000-watt stations in the United States, on
which, at 8:PM, a half-hour program would cost about $4,000. per
But that isn't all. These large 50,000-watt stations in
the United States have been unwilling to sell us any time for
preaching the Gospel until AFTER 11:PM Sunday night---AFTER MOST
PEOPLE HAVE GONE TO BED! They charge four times as much for a
half-hour between the best listening hours of 6:PM, to 9:30 PM.,
because at least four times as many people listen at that period.
With our own 250,000-watt station across the border, we not only
would be free from the annoying censorship constantly imposed by
super-power American stations, but our programs would go out at the
very BEST HOURS OF THE EVENING---now multiplying the number of
listeners four times more, a total of 80 times as many, as at 11:PM
on the most powerful United States stations. Yes, we would often
have an audience of as high as TWENTY MILLION PEOPLE at one time,
beyond a doubt!
But still this isn't all. Our programs on the American
stations can go out only once each week. On our own 250,000-watt
station, the program would be on the air SEVEN NIGHTS A WEEK,
Multiplying effectiveness 7 more times---at least 560 times the
actual power of a 50,000-watt station at 11:PM!!
A Power Almost Beyond Belief
See if I can explain, by a comparison, so our minds can
grasp just how powerful a program for God this will be. The most
powerful radio stations in the United States are limited to
50,000-watts. We propose to operate a station FIVE TIMES as
powerful---250,000 watts.
We have used two of our nation's greatest stations, WHO,
and WOAI. There are none more powerful within the United States.
On each of these stations, we could be heard, and were heard, in
every state in the union. But, in most states, only a comparative
FEW scattered perhaps many miles apart, actually DID hear our
Power Comparable to ATOMIC BOMB!
The atomic bomb, so far except for experiments, has been
used only TWICE---both times for purposes of DESTRUCTION.
Regardless of possible beneficial uses, it remains a potential
DANGER greater than the human mind can grasp! Churchill expressed
the opinion that this power for destruction has been "long
mercifully withheld from man." It proves humanity is moving