undergone radical changes in the past 75 years. Has dating become
a lost art -- or are the changes beneficial? What about "going
steady?" What about "necking?" Pre-marital sex? It's time to
come TRULY up-to-date -- with the facts, and with the truth! This
booklet gives you just that. Some of the sub-titles: "The
Staggering Statistics." "Are Housewives Happy?" "Young Marriages
Today." "Illegitimate Children." "Are Today's Teens Really Worse?"
"The Teen Influence." "Teen Sex and Violence Worldwide." "The New
Morality." "Authority for Morals?"
We know these booklets deal with really vital and basic
concerns of everyday living -- and are not pedantic, professorial,
academic drivel treating with vague philosophical concepts. Your
sons' and daughters' very LIVES are at stake -- and this booklet
on dating could just SAVE LIVES from unhappiness and wretchedness,
and make them HAPPY! Your own homes and businesses are CONTINUALLY
affected by the changing economics of a shaky world -- and you need
this down-to-earth, practical booklet on TRUE SUCCESS.
And so do all these additional thousands of new
So I hope you will let us send you YOUR free copies. There
may, due to the real strain we are under, and the usual clogged
mails of Christmas time, be some small delay -- but we're working
to get these fine new booklets out in spite of the difficulties.
And speaking of Christmas, that reminds me. In the same
issue of Femina, in which one of our new ads appeared, was an
article by a Miss Valerie Prestwich entitled "I HATE CHRISTMAS!"
She hastened to explain. She said, "Lest I have the entire clergy
of the country damning me to perdition because of the above title,
let me say that this is not an attack on...Christmas, but rather a
plea against its overwhelming commercialism and a stand against the
hypocrisy which surrounds it."
She then proceeded to voice the same weary complaints that
you hear so many housewives, businessmen, and store clerks give
vent to during this time of year.
She marveled that a world so filled with killing and war
could pause for a few hours to mouth "peace on earth," and then go
back to the business of killing within moments.
She said, "I hate Christmas for all the sham and pretense
and hypocritical cant that purrs along with office parties,
business soirees, and end-of-the-year gatherings where praise is
insincere and promises as unsubstantial as pie crusts come January
This writer felt most Christmas spirit came from a bottle
-- and dreaded the commercialism of lot-bought Christmas cards and
jostling crowds with pushing shoulders and hungry hands.
She hated Christmas for its soaring accounts, wearing
shopping trips, and economic hangover. She said, "Today, in the
name of Christmas, we have terrifying grocery bills, tremendous