butcher's bills, ridiculous toy bills, frightening florist's
bills...(and are) in the red for six months."
She had a special reason for hating Christmas unique to
South Africans and Australians, of course -- that is; it comes at
the hottest month of the year!
But isn't it a little strange, after all?
Millions of people will be spending BILLIONS again this
year, in the greatest commercial binge ever in history -- to
purchase tens of tons of plastic, tin and tinsel; miles of
cigarettes in gay cartons; and all the dazzling, jingling
paraphernalia of the season -- all in APPARENT celebration of the
birthday of CHRIST!
They busily EXCHANGE and TRADE gifts back and forth among
themselves -- and usually IGNORE TOTALLY the Person in whose honor
they ostensibly purchased the gift! Wouldn't it look a little
silly, should you arrive at a birthday party bearing gifts, to
find all the guests totally IGNORING the one whose birthday it is,
and trading gifts among themselves?
As always, this great worldwide educational effort to get
the TRUTH to millions is seriously hampered in many ways. The
mails are slowed down, not only with Christmas gifts, but with
commercial sales literature. Our income is affected because so
many regular Co-Workers give their gifts to other people instead of
to the living Christ for His Work.
The frustrated, Christmas-weary mother who wrote the
article in the South African magazine didn't mention, as we have in
past issues of The PLAIN TRUTH, that Christmas time is always a
hugely high crime time -- that suicides take an alarming leap
upward because of unsatisfied lusts and disappointed hopes -- or
that the accident rate due to drunken driving is many times larger
than the kill statistics in Vietnam.
But Christmas rush or not, overwhelming response or not --
those of us in the great worldwide effort to reach the peoples of
this world with a life-and-death message of really HUGE importance
are continuing to strive to place in peoples' hands the greatest
gifts of all; knowledge and truth!
So THANK YOU, for your interest in The PLAIN TRUTH --
because that's what it is, -- and for your patience through any
To make it easy for you to order your copy of these free
booklets I enclose an order card and self-addressed return
Most Sincerely,
Herbert W. Armstrong