Almost 30%!!!!
The power and effectiveness of this Work of GOD accomplishes
MORE in ONE MONTH, now, than it did in the first SEVERAL YEARS
COMBINED! That's why we can -- and MUST -- accomplish more in 4
1/2 years than the past 33 l/2!
And it should become almost FOUR TIMES larger in the year 1971
than it is this year! That means we MUST HAVE space to work in!
Financing New Buildings!
NEARLY ALL of our regular income is committed to BROADCASTING,
PUBLISHING, receiving a HUGE mail, sending out requested literature
by the tons, answering letters, and ministering to people all over
the world who request a personal visit and counsel by a minister.
Beside conducting the three college campuses, training more people
for the growing Work!
Sure, we COULD HAVE started the desperately needed new
Administration Building several months ago. But if I had used that
kind of judgment, and said, "Go ahead," we would have had to cancel
out a number of radio stations -- perhaps miss one or two numbers
of The PLAIN TRUTH, and/or use up necessary reserves and ruin our
financial position.
Actually, some months back, Mr. Albert Portune, head of the
financial and business administration of the Work, came to my
office and said: "Mr. Armstrong, I don't see how this Work can
continue to function and grow unless we can start construction
immediately on the new Administration Building. We have carefully
gone over and rechecked the budget. We can start the building at
once, and pay for it -- but if we do, it means cancelling out
several important radio stations -- a few million people would not
hear the Gospel any more. It would mean cutting down other
important activities in God's Work. It would give us a black eye
at the bank, and ruin our credit standing, because it would so
greatly reduce, or wipe out, our reserves."
I have to make all such momentous decisions.
True, God has now provided for His Work VERY ABLE,
knowledgeable, experienced, dedicated, consecrated and expert
executives, to bring me ALL THE FACTS, and counsel with me. But
the final decision is MINE! This is one reason I NEED YOUR
CONSTANT PRAYERS, that God will give me wisdom, and guide me in
making RIGHT DECISIONS -- HIS decisions, as HE directs His Work!
I knew what was GOD'S decision -- and I made it.
"We shall not cause God's Work to go backward, going off radio
stations. Nor will we reduce our reserves or injure our fine
financial standing! We will POSTPONE the needed building at least
six months -- more if necessary -- and FIND A WAY to keep the Work
going with such facilities as we have."
How We Obtain Financing
Now when we DO start construction on that desperately needed
4-story Administration Office Building, I do not anticipate we
shall have to pay, during construction, more than HALF the total
God has given us sufficient wisdom in the conduct and
management of the finances of His Work, so that we have