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reached a AA-A1 financial standing. God is able to cause even our
enemies to be at peace with us. He is able to give us grace and
favor in the eyes of those with whom, in the world, we must deal in
the conduct of His Work.
He has given us such favor in the eyes of banks and financial
institutions. Just today, I received a letter from a bank which I
believe is the largest in East Texas, explaining that they are in
position to give us, for our Texas campus, "MAJOR Bank" service,
and soliciting our account.
Some few years back one of the largest banks on the west coast,
(outside the giant Bank of America, world's largest), invited our
business -- and got it! They have loaned us large sums of money.
Also two or three years ago the largest International Bank in the
world, and the largest in Britain, came to us soliciting our
business from the English campus. They offered us enough
inducements to influence us to switch our account in England over
to them. They, too, have given us large-scale credit.
Brethren, do you realize how important this is, in the
efficient conduct of GOD'S WORK?
On the recommendation, and influence, of such banks, and of the
fine financial statement we can show, two eastern insurance
companies, for the first time, to either a church or a college, so
far as we know, have made us large-size, 15-year loans for
construction of new buildings. Those are now built.
Such institutions NEVER customarily make big long-term loans to
churches or colleges. Of course they always want security, and
they regard security of a church or college of little value,
because they are afraid of public reaction if they ever did have to
foreclose and take property away from a church or college!
When they have made us loans, it was because they have enough
confidence in our financial stability and honesty of Radio Church
of God and of Ambassador College that they feel they will never
have to foreclose.
The parables of Jesus show that God is CONCERNED about what
kind of STEWARDS we are in the handling of His money. And this is
His WORK, and all the money in the world BELONGS TO GOD -- so we
are handling HIS money, for all the money that comes to us is God's
tithes and offerings.
We are VERY CAREFUL in our stewardship of GOD's MONEY. We want
to be able, not only to give a GOOD ACCOUNT before the world's
largest banks, but also to Jesus Christ when He returns -- so that
honest, and faithful in a few things, have authority over BIGGER
I feel it should give YOU some real satisfaction and gratitude
to know that the Work of God, to which YOU have voluntarily become
a Co-Worker, is handling its material affairs in the manner God
Himself approves!
Loans from Co-Workers
In Co-Worker Letters I have often mentioned loans from
individual Co-Workers. Right now, IF YOU have a larger sum you are
not able to GIVE as a donation, but do not need to use for a year
or more, it would help greatly if you would LET IT BE WORKING where
the Living Christ is directing, guiding, and blessing.
And if the biggest banks and insurance companies have