noticed that those who grow spiritually are those whose hearts and
interest are in THE WORK -- GOD'S WORK, carried on from Pasadena
Headquarters! And those who individually fell away, lost out --
(and will go into a LAKE OF FIRE instead of the Kingdom of God) --
were those who were interested only in their own personal spiritual
development, and had no interest in getting the gospel to the
In the churches of this world -- those deceived by Satan --
their local church is more of a social club than anything else.
Satan would like to get all you Co-Workers into that trap. Your
carried on from Pasadena Headquarters, if you are to make it into
God's glorious Kingdom!
Students Have Worked
The Pasadena campus of Ambassador College is MUCH MORE than
just a college for students. It is also HEADQUARTERS for GOD'S
I mentioned earlier in this article how we have had to clean up
old properties, and even remodel many. It now occurs to me that
perhaps we never have explained to you Co-Workers all over the
world just HOW most of that has been done.
We maintain here a good-sized organization -- a major Division
of the whole Headquarters organization, directed by Mr. Jack
Elliott. Under him are architects on our own staff, a professional
interior decorator, planners, a whole construction department, with
carpenters, painters, plumbers, electricians, cabinetmakers, etc.
Then also there is a large maintenance crew -- janitors, gardeners,
repairmen. While foremen and department heads are full-time men,
MANY STUDENTS are employed part time in this Division.
In the early days of the college, MOST of the repair work, and
"restoring the old places," was done by STUDENTS outside of class
hours. Mr. Roderick Meredith, Dr. Herman Hoeh, Dick Armstrong,
Raymond McNair, others, worked hard on these jobs. Our students
help IN THE WORK more than you realize -- with their tithes and
offerings, their personal labor, their prayers -- WHILE they are
studying to prepare themselves for full-time responsibilities in
THE WORK! Their HEARTS ARE IN IT, just as YOURS must be!
NOT Too Late
If some of you have been listening to Satan saying it is now
too late to think of new buildings -- thinking that there just
isn't enough time left -- then LISTEN TO THIS!
I say we must accomplish more in the Work in the next 4 1/2
years than in the last 33 1/2. How can that be done?
Let me explain HOW! And WHY!
The first year of this 33 1/2 years of the Work, Christ
directed just myself and Mrs. Armstrong. There was no
organization. After two or three years we added a part-time
stenographer -- still going to business college. Little by little,
the staff around us grew. By 1947, when we moved the Headquarters
from Eugene, Oregon, to Pasadena, we had a staff of about 15. All
those years we were reaching a tiny audience of a very FEW people.
It has grown in organization, size of operation, number of
people reached, at a rate of about 27 1/2% increase per year!